Another Day, Another Instance of Same-Faction World Boss Griefing / Gameplay Sabotage (Anniversary Realms)

How long will this toxic behavior be allowed to continue without consequence? Great precedent being established with the lack of moderation. At what point will toxicity goad toxicity and no one can kill world bosses?

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World bosses aren’t suitable for mega-servers.

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Someone is killing it, that someone just isn’t you obviously.

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Just mass report their lead/main tank. Not our fault you aren’t using all the tools available to you.

Imagine mass reporting someone for taunting a mob. I have a feeling a lot of these reports are from people trying to kill them on every layer.

Megaservers are the real problem, btw.

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Yea it’s against the TOS if a world boss is engaged…

so what’s happening? are ppl mad they didn’t get to world boss in time? no one gonna keep waiting forever on u lol. reminds me of hunts in xiv and that dumb log thing in palia lol.

TOS - Terms of Suggestions

We suggest you don’t do the following things, but it’s only a suggestion. We won’t hold you to it.

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the whole point of world bosses is for players to fight for them, maybe that wasn’t a great plan, but it is absolutely a part of classic.

nothing like making an assumption and then drawing conclusions from the assumption. I don’t know if there is a named logical fallacy for that one, but it sure comes up alot.

it’s almost exactly like you had a point you wanted to shoehorn in to the thread and you made up the assumption to support it.


“How do we solve toxicity ?” ‘By being even more toxic’

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It was never about solving toxicity, since that’s not possible.

Instead, you play by the rules of the game. Blizzard has made it clear that abuse of mass report systems is an acceptable tool to use within their game.

Here to report that the toxic behavior relentlessly continues. Despite repeated efforts to document and submit evidence indicating clear griefing activities through the channels recommended by Blizzard, perpetrators are yet to be met with consequences for repeated same-faction world boss interference and gameplay sabotage. Those who experience it know the level of coordination required to pull this off and how truly petty and egregious it is to routinely perform these actions.

Just an fyi on the EULA for Blizzard titles:

C. License Limitations. Blizzard may suspend or revoke your license to use the Platform, or parts, components and/or single features thereof, if you violate, or assist others in violating, the license limitations set forth below. You agree that you will not, in whole or in part or under any circumstances, do the following:
xi. Disruption / Harassment: Engage in any conduct intended to disrupt or diminish the game experience for other players, or disrupt operation of Blizzard’s Platform in any way, including:
2. Harassment, “griefing,” abusive behavior or chat, conduct intended to unreasonably undermine or disrupt the Game experiences of others, deliberate inactivity or disconnecting, and/or any other activity which violates Blizzard’s Codes of Conduct or In-Game Policies.

I implore Blizzard to swiftly take action to moderate this behavior. The slope toward endless retaliatory griefing and an environment where no one benefits grows more slippery by the day.

Bumping this thread each day this behavior occurs and goes unaddressed/unresolved.

it’s emergent gameplay :expressionless: i don’t see the issue

“MMOs would be great without all these other players!!”

Deal with it. Though to be fair none of this content was ever designed for Megaservers and layers. There’s a reason Blizz disabled layers in 2019 Classic before this stuff was put into the game.

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Its a pvp server and anything goes. That being said, its really lame how factions camp entrances

I don’t see why it being a PVP server is relevant when the problem is plants on your own faction causing the problem.