Another cancelled subscription

Layers allow more players to play concurrently on the same realm. I don’t know what you mean by “server cap” unless you mean the total number of characters that can be on a server.

Either way, it’s not acceptable to have a 12 hour queue for your game. If that is the case, and your only remedy is to abandon your friends and play on a completely separate realm, then you simply don’t care about the problem or ever fixing it, and it’s utterly ridiculous. Blaming the players for creating massive queue times is quite hilarious as well. This game is pay for service. People are paying and not getting service, and Blizzard likely won’t refund us with game time because they rarely do.

Um…you guys can still talk in discord or through bnet. That seems to be a copout to me. You are acting like you can’t talk to each other when you can.

Tell me you have not been around on launch day without telling me.

I said play, not talk. I want to play with my friends. I want to do dungeons with my friends. I want to raid with my friends. Transferring servers means I can’t do that.

Yeah but this doesn’t prevent you from figuring out what you guys can and can’t do to play with each other.

Yeah, that’s why I pay $15 a month, so I can play other games with my friends.

Same on mine. I think all the server firsts for profs have all been done for at least an hour, some for like nearly 3… I have no idea how they do it.

edit: And guildies complaining someone already killed the leather market.

look at you! summing up 90% of forum posters!

There are options out there. And you forget that blizzard is time gating raids for wrath. So, you can’t go into raids right now anyways.

victim rofl

Can more of you quit a little faster so I can get in the game

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Everyone said it was DOA. That didn’t happen. Maybe it will be dead in a month maybe not. Maybe Bene will be dead, who knows.

For a bit more specifics around these destination realms’ health, let’s take a look at Sulfuras- US. Prior to last week, this realm had low concurrency at around ½ to 1/3 the size of a 2008 realm. In the past week, this realm has seen almost 40,000 incoming transfers, with hundreds more still occurring per hour. These incoming transfers have made this a very robust and in fact nearly full realm that is now right around 4 times the size of a full 2008 realm.

You tried too hard on this one friend. The goal of a good troll is to do it in a way that’s just subtle enough that your victim and onlookers don’t realize that they are getting trolled.

I think you actually started out well in this regard. But you got too excited and repeated the same jokes too often and spoiled it.

With more training, I believe you can do it next time.

Westfall doesn’t have qs

Expected to pay for a game that is impossible to access…yes incomprehensible! Imagine if you logged on to Dazn to watch Sunday football and you were told you have to wait until Wednesday to watch the game! would you continue to pay for this “service”? Puck no

Cya in northrend next month!

When The original WOTLK was released, we never had que times of 6 plus hours. Nothing to do with classic experiences.

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I honestly rerolled to another server as well. Problem is it is dead.

Can’t even get down with the dark iron achieve because no one is there to defend brewfest camp.

So, you either have some servers with way to many people. Or so few people that it can’t even function. Heck I am not even allowed to do the save brewfest quest for some reason. Slurpo fizzdripper will not give it to me. It doesn’t even show up for me even though it showed up before I transffered servers.

Maybe it requires 78 or 79 then, but i am not sure what is happening.

I honestly feel like it is the lack of servers. Wrath has more servers when it was current content. But also server infrastructure. Still the same old servers we had 15 years ago.

You have sealioning down to an art.