ANOTHER another Scourge Invasion Complaint Topic

Guys, there’s no way this was tested. Yes, I’m angry and this is emotional posting, but hear me out:

  • Spawns are way too slow, almost as if the devs either missed a number somewhere or entirely forgot that the entirety of SOD so far has had issues with spawns happening too slowly and needing to be sped up, OR they just didn’t care and said “well the players will figure it out!”
  • The runes only drop like, 1/3rd of the time even when you are getting every tag
  • The mobs shouldn’t be group tagged - It’s not “skillful” to have a raid group of 30 balance druids, hunters, and warlocks just spam casting instant damage spells at 30+ yards away to grab every tag. Just let everyone who hits the mobs get credit for it and be able to loot a rune.
  • And finally, why are the final mobs locked behind an npc that has to be interacted with? The best players are just going to entirely automate the interaction (which, it seems like they have) to get frame 1 interactions the second they spawn and then they don’t have to even TRY to get the first hit because it auto-tags to that person’s group. It’s actually just so miserable.

Just make all of the mobs here locked to the faction that hits them (like the Blackrock daily elite targets) or make it so anyone who hits them gets a tag. This is legitimately one of the most miserable events that I’ve ever taken part in on WoW and it’s not like I can just skip it, my raid’s doing Naxx just week (like many other people’s guilds are). Need the runes for some of the items that drop from it, as well as the shoulder enchants and all the other garbage.

Hotfix this event, please. Faster spawns that are at the VERY least faction-tagged. Thank you.


This is a complete outrage! They need to implement faction tagging just like in the BRM eruption event. Pretty obvious fix.

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Better yet make the Invasion inside Scholo / Strath and every 5 man can do it and make it a bit harder but rewarding. This doesnt even feel like an invasion its a zergfest.


Imagine how it feels being on wild growth horde where alliance outnumber us 3 to 1. It’s like impossible for your group to get the tag. They should of made them instanced or had a ton of different layers and made it easy to swap layers if one is loaded with too many or something. This isn’t even fun and super discouraging.


I think this is the more important thing.

The event just feels lame. Even if they do a fix for tagging… it’s just… so… nothing. Like there’s no way they thought this would be an interesting activity to repeat for weeks (needed to upgrade your Seal of the Dawn).

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It’s fine as kind of a side thing to empower your character as you go.

We are moving into the actual new content phase of SoD so having gimmicks to keep people playing within the new world is all good.

It just needs some tuning to make it less gameable and not waste people’s effort.

They really need to fix this. there is a group of 5 running event to event with a script to steal the dooms at the end. They litterally just wait and steal tags from 40 man raids. Also, as mentionned. necrotic runes are impossible to get in a raid. it should be shared loot or something.


I joined a raid group today and we got most of the mob tags but I didn’t win a single rune. Still feels pointless.

Yes this is very poor design, forcing us onto one server then making us fight over the tags, how about putting the drops in kara so we not forced into this?