you confuse reskin with a recolor. recolor is a palate swap on a skin. a reskin, changes the skin. the boat is basically a reskin of the airships from the blizzcon virtual ticket. all the dragons are reskins of dragons. but im not surprised you have trouble understanding that…
cool, so then whats your problem? go do your things that make you feel special. there are plenty of them in the game right now. and looking at your collection, you have alot of work to do to feel special.
Nope, there are unique animations tied to the 6 month sub mounts. Besides, reskin/recolor - semantics. Still the same thing and still bad.
You go get that renown up to speed. You got almost none of the content done in this expansion or the previous one (can’t blame you for that tho, both are bellow average in quality).
Doesn’t feel good when people dig in your own stuff now, does it? Keep your pointy brows to yourself if your “advice” is coming from a place of snide.
reskin and recolor are not semantics. and the fact you said that says im technically correct
dig all you want, im not the one here complaining. you came here with a dumb complaint about mounts and how they should be in game, while not having most of the ones available to you in game.
and i play for fun. not your way of fun, or anyone elses way of fun, but mine. which is why i have no problem with paying a 6mo sub. i also have 4 characters that reached 40 renown before i went to play TBCC and am having a great time doing that.
but why are you trying to argue with me? dont you have ingame quests and achievements to make you feel special? go do them.
but ok, ive picked on you and your special mount feelings enough, but seriously, go out and work on those mount numbers
No. Semantics are still semantics and that does not make you right. Also, don’t put words in my mouth - I didn’t say that you are either correct or technically correct regarding that because I don’t think you are!
You came in here to argue and stir the pot while having nothing to contribute the conversation and then started throwing accusations and try to find an elusive “gotcha” moment.
And theeeeen you dug into my armory but didn’t feel good when the same was done to you so now you backpedal into playing TBCC. Noice save. NOT. You slipped up on your own brown tire tracks.
Don’t you have 14 year old TBCC content to play through instead of posting on them forums lul? I can spin this the same way you are attempting to!
I certainly dont want Hearthstone cards, packs, or bands of hero’s. If you going to point us to play other Bliz games, give us a choice of a Diablo III transmog or Heathstone cards. I will never use the HS cards, I’d rather get a re-skinned mount or a toy for the collection.
Do you absolutely lose your sh*t when you walk down a grocery store aisle and see a buy 2 get one free sign? That’s all this is…it’s a simple promotion. Many companies have sale tactics for everything. There’s nothing really greedy about it. There’s plenty of greedy things going on (the ceo making sure everyone under him is underpaid, while hiding all evidence of harassment or criminal acts is greedy, even designing the game to be purposely less fun in order to fill time played metrics is greedy), but this really isn’t one of them.