ANOTHER 6 months sub mount?!

I will never understand the heat people throw at the six month subscription. It is there for people who know they will be around for the next six months and offers then a savings of $2 a month and some extra bonuses. It’s not for people who are on the fence about the game and it’s not for people who are so irresponsible that they forget they having a recurring charge. For people like that, they should just CANCEL their subscription after they are billed for the next six months, then you don’t have to worry about it.


Buy it or just sit down and eat your bamboo panda

And then, like clockwork, there is another, brand new and unique 6 month sub mount after half a year passes. This has already happened again and again and again.

no u. Go do Torghast and grind that tower knowledge.

I asked for another… sorry.

And, I don’t see the issue. It’s not like these people are paying more for the mount, they are actually paying less then everyone else for their subscription over those six months. Let it sink in a second, Blizzard makes LESS off of them over the same six month period.

I think its great! I laugh at 75 for 6 months… its dirt cheap and I get stuff along with knowing I always have something to do to pass some time if I care to. Why you so torqued up over something that doesn’t affect you?

Are you really worried about morons who dont pay attention to what they have purchased or how they spend money. No, you arent… just another serial complainer.

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Oh Blizz, can I like complete the zerg campaign for Starcraft and get a hydralisk or ultralisk mount?

or kill Diablo and get like a personal army of cute fetishes that run around me and terrorize my friends. Or imps that keep yelling Rakanishu!

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Get the vanilla collectors edition and you can have mini diablo… he breathes fire once in a while! :grin:

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Gotten all the 6 month mounts…and not upset about it in the slightest. Know how? I can buy them without the sub. Nothing in game is required for it. Maybe just maybe, you are upset this stuff is easy to make and makes them money and you just don’t like it wasn’t put on a “rare” you have to farm daily for months to get?

The issue is that this is how they pad the numbers and pad the amount of subscribers - not with adding things to the game for you to do and to work towards and acquire through gameplay, no, but with invoking the fear of missing out on a unique items that there are no analogs for in the game.

What they could have done is made a questline, or a meta achievement, or a reward in participating in a certain type of activity. That would want people to actually play the game since there’s now a swag reward that is there at the end of it and you feel good getting it cause you feel like you earned it.

Instead you get …Korthia with a gazillion recolors of what we’ve already seen before, no unique animations, no sparkles, no sense of accomplishment. You get a mount and the feeling is literally “oh, another same one of a different shade of brown? just chuck in the mount tab who cares”. There is no excitement for any of them.

So instead of getting people to want to sub to play the game, they are getting the sub out of fear of missing that unique mount that looks real nice.
…but then after you swipe and get it you feel nothing cause you didn’t put any effort in the game to get it and it feels like any other mount and it feels bland. Especially when you see 20 other people already riding on it.

There’s no sense of swag, no sense of prestige, no sense of accomplishment, there’s nothing.

It does affect me for the reasons above. Are you really worried about the longevity of the game and getting some good content in it? No, you aren’t… You are just another serial white knight.

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This bundle is mostly for hearthstone.

Also blizzard has made it very clear Ion is in charge.

Ion has made it very clear he stands by his design decisions and is only now reversing them because all players have played through them his way… he is doubling down on this by forcing players to to continue being covenant locked until they complete it his intended way. The guy is so insulated from accepting feedback the game will continue to suffer until his attitude does or they replace him.

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Store mounts don’t affect the game at all. The time it takes to make a mount, is nothing. The time spent for them to put in whatever means to get it in game, would be better spent on a new patch or something. Leave the cool stuff in the shop, its fine, its all cosmetic and easy, while working on new patches. You act like everyone in blizz is standing around doing nothing besides one art person who makes a mount every 6 months. This isn’t the case. You are being hysterically disingenuous and just show you have no earthly clue what really goes on

Nope. Big miss in your guessing game there.

I want cool stuff to be behind an achievable long-term goals like questlines, i.e. Lucid Nightmate or Hivemind, meta-achievements, participation in different content types.

You want a recolor of a cool mount in the cash shop? Sure, put it there. But none of the aspects of this recolor, like armor pieces on the mount, animations, sounds, etc., should be unique and unobtainable without swiping. Literally, just a different colors of the same thing that you can achieve in game.


What makes you think that is actually not the case? No, it is you who is being disingenuous and you are outright shilling for the unique cash shop items all while making wild claims that you know everything and others know nothing. Climb down from your high horse.

They are not padding anything, there is no difference in the way they count a six month subscriber then there is for a single month subscriber over the same timeframe. And if Blizzard was truly only worried about their “numbers”, it probably wouldn’t be all the thrilled by losing out on the $12 that six month sub pays over 6 single month subs.

Is an item unique if you can also purchase it in the cash shop? I mean the mount that got your panties in a bunch can be purchased right now!

Let’s be honest, this is a QQ just because you think you are being “denied” something that others are getting.

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I’d rather have the ability to cancel at a moments notice that the 30 day subscription offers. Since canceling is the only thing they bother paying attention to I get to add mine into the pile of folks quitting when blizz makes crappy game decision.

I’ve fallen for the 6 month sub mount game before and then ended up not playing months i paid for because of poor game design. I’ll trade the mount for my freedom to quit at strategic moments to make my voice heard.

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Yes, they are padding - play with numbers and spin them well enough and the shareholders will get off your back and let you continue doing the minimum viable work.

Wild assumption and also a wrong one at that. I want that mount and any other unique to be achievable in game so there are people in the world to do things with and there are things to do to begin with.

Because I know how long coding things takes? They aren’t deficating out content in a few days before launch genius.

No…really that is you. You are here complaining about a store mount, that rigging is done by 1 person, art is done by 1 person, so 2 people normally doing the work, of an entire team of people.

The fact you are here saying “you don’t know that blizz isn’t standing around doing nothing” shows how absolutely asinine and childish your understanding of gaming and what it takes to make one is

Oh really? Then why has BFA and Shadowlands have been so bad then if they have not “deficated” them out to meet the ActiBlizz release deadlines then?

But to be fair, you are probably correct. One person in their team did that Garrosh cutscene over several months and it was of a laughable quality and then a random dude showed up and remastered that same cutscene in a week and it was x1000 times better and actually cool.

No, me taking such a position only draws out shills for a company that pays such shills nothing yet they still bend over backwards to defend and gaslight anyone who dares to speak out and it is not asinine or childish - those last remarks are are a reflection of you since you can’t argument your stance soundly while you stand on an uneven foundation.

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Look at you having a little hissy fit . :grin: I like “set it and forget it” subscription options, so that makes me a white knight… ok so be it. Ironically I know Wow is not that important. I know its just a game to use when I have some free time. But I’m a white knight because I dont cry over WoW? OK. Serial crier of the Doom and Gloom Patrol. Such a sad little panda. :frowning: E-hug. Someday you will learn WoW isnt that important and not worth your tears. Hang in there.

So you buy 6 month of game time that you underutilize and swipe for things you don’t care about. Got it.

“Mean Panda is mean about a thing that is meaningless to me so imma smear poop all over the floor and walls as I yeet my hot take right in :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I mean, your money, your personal responsibility. You do you, boo. Don’t let the door punt you on your way out!