<Nomads> 8/8 BWL (Cleared in 1 day first week) 10/10 MC (48 minute clears) 1/1 Ony is a semi-hardcore alliance raiding guild, focused on clearing content efficiently while keeping a relaxed and fun raid environment.
Raid Times
Saturday/Sundays 7pm-11:00 PM EST/server time
Raid Needs (Prefer anyone with raid ready alt)
1 Holy Paladin
All exceptional players will be considered.
Loot Policy
Priority rolling with LC on certain BWL items.
If you have any questions or concerns, we encourage you to ask myself or any officer in the guild about it and we would be happy to discuss it with you.
If you’d like to join up or would like more info, please message myself here on discord or on Battlenet.
Discord: Trey#6409 Battlenet: Trey#1958