If you are looking for a friendly late night group this is the place to be.
Are you recruiting dps or healers? I am interested in joining! I am primarily ret but i can go holy anytime.
Interested in a lonely healing tree? I’m willing to transfer if it looks like a good fit.
Well hello to Turanten and Essix. We are always interested in exceptional raiders. Feel free to add me to Battle tag and we can talk.
I’m currently looking for a new guild/server to raid with for shadowlands, i will add you to btag so we can chat when u have a moment
Sounds good be glad to hear from you
Still looking for fellow late night gamers! ^-^ We are still looking for members to fill our ranks and social peeps to hang out with us! Can’t wait to meet you in Azeroth!
If y’all are still looking, I am looking for a new home for some late night gaming. I’d have to either transfer (if transfers to Proudmoore are available), or level a fresh toon.
Gamertag Northstar#1699. Would love to chat with an officer.
Absolutely Cabello we are always looking for new peeps I have sent you a real ID request. I am Wolfestyle, GM of “No Fun”
Still looking for more peeps for Shadow Lands.
If you are looking for a new home come Shadow Lands, come join the “No Fun” .
Yes we are still recruiting for Shadow Lands.
I’m interested. Have someone reach out if possible. BNET: murraymd1#1609
Discord: gunny#1113
We are still recruiting for Shadow Lands
Come join us for Shadowlands!
Added both your btags, hope to talk to you soon
Returning player looking for a guild and interested - added your btags and looking forward to chat!
Yes I believe I received both of your friend requests and look forward to talking to you.
Still looking for some more dps
Still looking for a couple dps.