[A]<No Fun> US-Proudmoore Late Night Guild recruiting members

Still looking for more


OMG its Yojrn someone kick him LOL

We have tried it just does not work LOL

Yelp we are still around and looking

Need a rogue?

We are always willing to talk to any good raider. :slight_smile:

we are still recruiting

Yes still looking for more

Yes we are still around

Recruiting for current tier and shadow lands.

still recruiting

Recruiting for current tier and shadow lands.

The more the merrier

We are recruiting for current raid tier and shadow lands.

Needing any tanks?

Sorry we are currently full on tanks

How about a monk?

Well going into shadow lands we are looking for all kinds of peeps. Raiders, questers, pvp’ers, and peeps that just like to hang out.

Yeah there are things to do here for many different types of players