you know when you solo a legacy raid and you loot the boss and like 17 windows pop up that show you’ve won loot etc…how the heck do you disable that…i’m using move anything but theres no option for it.
I’ve tried loot window, alerts, static popups…nothing seems to get rid of those annoying ‘loot won’ popups
You would have to use an addon. Im not sure of one of the top of my head but im sure there’s something out there related to loot windows.
Boss Banner Hider or Leatrix Plus has an option like that, that being “Hide alerts”.
Does boss banner still work? It hasn’t been updated since 2015 haha
And there’s a checkbox I think under Interface->Addons to enable out-of-date addons.
I’ve been trying to find a solution for this aggravating “feature” for years, and still haven’t found one. The Dragonflight pre-patch lets you move your loot window, but that doesn’t stop the individual windows from popping up in the middle of the screen.
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This is what I’ve been seeing for years. The Boss Banner Hider addon doesn’t fix it. I was wondering if some addon is causing the boss loot windows to pop up in the middle of the screen. This isn’t the same as moving the loot window using the new Dragonflight UI. I’m beginning to think it’s a Blizz “feature” LOL
I finally found an addon that works! “Loot Won Alert Hider/Mover”. After installing from CurseForge, use the command: /lwh BossBanner
That does the trick. It really makes a difference when soloing legacy raids for mount drops (ie) because you win all the loot and have a dozen toast windows popping up!
I have been looking for something to allow me to move this as well as the experience bar. For some reason today I started having problems with the encounter bar in the Bliz UI hiding under my spell bars and would not allow me to save or move it (even on a new profile).
I found this addon called “MoveIt” that allows you to move the things, but you have to know what they are called. You can use the Toggle Frame Stack button to get a list pop up to help you, but if what you are looking for on the screen isn’t currently present, it doesn’t always show up. This loot popup appears to be called AlertFrame and the Experience bar is called StatusTrackingBarManager. I also got my EncounterBar moved to where I want it and hopefully this will work with anything else that may start acting up.