No, many players prefer pvp servers, for a lot of reasons, but they don’t have 8/10h to spend gaming everyday.
Releasing honor, without bg’s, when more than half of the server was under 60, was just a very bad option.
The server is turning into a boosting simulator, because no one wants to loose one hour just to get in an instance.
And the problem, again, isn’t related with it being a pvp server. Until 2 weeks ago, everything was fine, honor system without bg’s, turned it into a mess for those between 40 and 59, which are a big %, as Blizzard well knows.
Yup, all those clown on their epic mount with their 300g weapon enchant.
Obvious gold buyers or have a mage thats exploiting . Got nothing to fear if you’re legit but most of you arent.
We are just gonna run around in groups and mass report you so Blizz can take a look into your accounts. HAHAHAHAHA WPVP more on your epics
Do you actually think getting epic mount is hard to do? O.o
we had R11 twinks on EU servers → Epic PvP mount is lvl 40 required
you miss some knowledge on this game Mr.Master
What are you even talking about?
I did not say it was IMPOSSIBLE to hit rank 10 before 60.
I said, he wants people to have full rank 10 gear the SECOND they hit 60.
Read bud.
PvP gear is only 6 pieces you know? you still got to farm other slot pieces
Who the F care… Life is not long enough to sacrifice all this time farming piece of gear in a 20years old game
you geeks got a serious problem
everybody with decent gear would be great for BGs → sweatlords in full T3 / buyers in full T3 stomping people in dungeon gear is not fun
if you are really that passionned in PvE, you still gonna farm your best gears
but for the casuals, who are old and don’t have all that time to dedicate to WoW →
Rank 10 is far better than any of this prebis gear LOL… what are you even talking about.
Literally go back 2 era
Literally everyone with a brain who actually enjoys the fresh 60 experience. running for SGC, running BRD, running scholo, running UD, running lBRS, running UBRS.
Thats the best part… thats how you build a guild and make a community… is doing those things as a group and gearing up together…
not shoving yourself into AV the second you hit level 51 until you get a piece of loot way to ruin the game bud
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i agree PvE players coming in BGs just for the gears and then never queue again are ruining the game → So make PvP gears only wearable in BGs
just not usable in dungeon/raids*
i forgot wpvpers
That comes later with resilience.
Which has pvp gear drop to unloved gear status for selective crews. its deemed a junk stat in pve.
also this gets “fixed” later phases in era. Later raid gear has pvp gear look real bad. Corrupted ashbringer hurts to get hit by in BG. So it was the favored toy of permanent 60 twinks in tbcc/wrath classic.
cry harder cry baby. dont roll on a pvp server. you’re embarrassing yourself and I hope you and all of your friends unsub
If I was Alliance? I’d sap Tauren for the fun of it and make them /moo.
I started as alliance on Mal’Ganis in vanilla. This is exactly what I signed up for.
The beauty of this is that you can exit the game and go do something in real life, aside from posting on the forums anyway. Go read a book or something, it’ll give you much more out of life compared to WoW.
I finished the AV grind, which was alright, but it’s not like Van rush is good gameplay by any means. But getting back into WSG I forgot how awful this BG is in vanilla. It is truely the worst pvp experience you can find. You at least get properly rewarded for losing in AV but WSG is an absolute $h1t show.
In classic class balance doesn’t exist, whoever has the most people win. I’ve already gotten 3 wsg where its 10 ally vs 7 or 8 horde. We’re back to premade city so if you’re not premade you lose to a team of 10 engineers. It’s the most unbalanced and unfair pvp matchups of any version of wow and I just am now remembering that classic pvp is the worst version of pvp wow has. Not to mention the out of bounds jumps should be fixed. The only way you can have a good time is if you premade so that the other team has no chance against you. Its not fun to pvp in classic, its fun to have an overwhelming advantage against the other team. Which is really bad pvp. Do I really want to grind this WSG rep again? Seriously debating it >.<
Because thats what happened in 2004 and 2019?
Don’t use logic, they’re immune