Anniversary world PVP are you kidding?

Nah, this isnt pvp happened on a pvp server. Getting ganked is one thing, being run down as soon as you get off a flightpath or in the middle of the town, and the guard can’t do anything about it.


This is exactly that. This is what PvP servers are. This is what they should be.

I play this game with express intent of making you so angry that you quit. If you unsub, take the rest of the day/week off etc-then I’ve accomplished what I set out to do.

The fact that people are worth honor now is just icing on the cake.

It should be 1 vs 15 raid gear 60s? Your idea of world pvp is bogus man. I get it getting ganked is part of being on a pvp server hut we are way past that. This is the worst griefing ive ever seen in this game.


Then your a sociopath and ahould seek help lol sheesh


Hi, I hope you’re all enjoying this little event Blizzard has created for us.

It’s been a ton of fun imo.

Give me whatever title you want. If I upset you enough to make forum posts, that makes me smile :blush:

There’s really not a lot to say about rolling a character on a PvP realm where lvl 60 killing lvl 20 is not against the ToS.

That said, the question of character that enjoys bringing grief to others is worthy of consideration…but it won’t be discussed with any compassion or intelligence on these forums; let alone resolved.

Suggestion to OP: just re-roll on PvE realm. I feel your pain, but as an alt-o-holic on PvP it’s just part of what I signed up for; so when my 33 Pally gets curb-stomped in STV I switch out for a while to a 16 in Westfall, or a 4 in Elwynn etc. /shrug


Im not giving you anything man, your behavior is doing that for you.


why would you play on a PVP sever if you gonna get mad about PvP

I feel like asking this means you completely ignored the entire thread. Just scroll up this has been addressed

Nice story but they can’t, firstly it’s not in their Tos and secondly they can’t even take care of botting do you really think they will even move the slightest finger to even change the honorless mechanic? That’s right no, you still believe in Santa and guess what ? Christmas is over so get real.

Youre literally posting from a dreamscythe character lol

Stop the trolling. Youre on PvE not worried about a thing.

My man i moved to nightslayer weeks ago and have neen too lazy to switch toons lol

I just gotta ask…do you get off being an edgelord to people on the internet or something? Lol


I get off with everything I do because everyone is a :cat::cat::cat: now a days, simple as that. Btw what is an Edgelord ? Is that a Gen Z / soy boy lover term ??? , probably, I belong in a generation full of alphas and manly players and we never used that stupid word I guess we were mentally strong to overcome any challenges we face rather than saying “Edgelord”, very cringe

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:rofl::joy::sob: . I wouldnt expect any less of a comment.


This has got to be the most pitiful display i think ive ever seen. Bro we both know you arent that guy lmao if you were you wouldnt be giving this tough guy routine on the forums of a 20 year old mmo


It’s PvP brother, nothing you say will change that. It may not be skillful, consensual, or fun for some people, but it’s still PvP.

If you get in a car crash do you just step out and say nope that’s not a car crash?

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For people who don’t enjoy WPvP we have the PvE server in case you didn’t know. Go to realm selec menu n choose “PvE” realm. Enjoy.

Even if you quit, 5 bots will replace your missing subscription. Unfortunately, those “toxic people” are more lucrative for Blizzard than you because they buy gold and encourage botting which is a net positive for big daddy Blizz.
Don’t let the door hit you on your way out!

Have fun