Anniversary world PVP are you kidding?

How do you feel about your buddies acting this way?


I dont understand most of the responses in this thread. Being camped can be frustrating, especially when it’s by someone of significantly higher level. I bet most people posting here would agree to that even if they’re acting like you’re in the wrong for being upset.

It sucks that your friends arent having fun, and dont blame you for being frustrated.
I expect things will get better when BGs launch - I hope your friends hang in there!

When i was leveling and found myself camped i tended to try to escape to another part of the zone and just return to that part of the zone later. Easier said than done though sometimes, i realize.

Its a game - if not having fun, no point in playing!

Edit: @duplex

It’s the 20th anniversary. In Vanilla the Honor System was put in April of 2005, and Battlegrounds came in June of 2025.

You have to deal with it for one week instead of two months, and clicked affirmative to a warning that PVP happens on PVP servers.

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I just got Perditions Blade so it’s about to get a whole lot worse for the alliance.


I say this with the most disgust to myself for suggesting it because it so anti-thetical to a pvp sever. But you can just hop layers.

That is the real, are you kidding thing. You make a raid to pvp at DM, and there is no one of the opposite faction to fight. Then you leave because it is boring, and you are hunting solos. And you go back to your original layer and its 80 of the opposite faction.

Most of the people below 48 are getting left alone unless they are actively engaging. Nobody has time to kill someone that isn’t putting points on the board. Not worth dismounting. Except people that were going to kill them anyway.

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I killed every 48 I’ve seen.


Spot on. If you’re hating PvP switch to Dreamscythe. You were warned when starting.

I said below 48. Meaning people that don’t award honor to a 60. If you are killing 47’s now with a group or solo. I would bet you were going to kill them before (which is also fine on a pvp server) And BG’s being added wouldn’t affect that, other than you just might not encounter them.

O crap! Sounds like PvP happened on a PvP server again!!

You were warned.

Oh yeah mb

i would not call it is easy to world pvp to R12 at all.

LOLOL… imagine getting camped for “HOURS” and not realizing, you could do other things with your time… i.e. make another toon that hasn’t needed to level in a contested area yet, level on a PvE realm.


Hahahaha can I get your discord info so I can hear you all gather round in voice chat and cry to each other? Omg please I’ll pay you gold for it.

Hahahahah a whole group of 30+ year old men absolutely staining their undershirts with tears. Pleeeeease invite me!

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I picked Eredar, a pvp server in 2005 when i first started playing. After going through that chaos and koombyah sessions i decided i wasnt going through that again so i went with Dreamsythe . Pvp servers are only fun when youre the one doing the ganking .

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I would invite you to the discord just so I could genuinely identify who the psychopaths are and avoid them IRL

NAHHH you dont get to play that card this stop trolling. This is a whole new level of griefing, you cant even enter towns to turn in quests without getting ganked by the huge herds of raid geared 60s. World pvp is one thing whats happening during this week isnt that at all. Hell ive seen rogues and druids literallly ganking as soon as people get off the flightpath. This osnt simply pvp on pvp server, players are being farmed and its abhorrent behavior.


Have you even played on the servers? How do you fight back when its 1 vs 15? Lol

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Pvp servers are fun for the spontaneous pvp that can happen, the current state of the pvp server is not that nor what anyone agreed to. The timeline showd bgs releasing at the same time as honor and many of us rolled here with the understanding that blizzard realized the mistake of not corraling the degenerates


I feel like I’m the only person who read the message sent at character creation, and said to myself “No, I really don’t want this” and changed to the PvE server.


Sure they can, what they should do is reset everyones honor to 0 and if sociopaths like you complain? Your behavior caused it and you would have no one else to blame.