Please make them instanced or add infinite layers. Thank you.
No. It was a stupid thing they did with SoD.
Don’t care about SOD. Need loot for short cycles.
You don’t “need” gear for “short cycles.
The entire point of wbosses is the pvp. If you aren’t dedicated enough to get the tag then idk what to tell u
PVE doesn’t have that mechanic get over your zoomer menacing.
This is a pve and pvp game at the same time
Don’t like it kick rocks or play pve
Or just go play sod, it literally has what you’re asking for
You feel entitled to world boss gear. You want huge epic events relegated to boring, routine instances. Then you call someone else a zoomer?
Disagree with your rationale but agree with the sentiment, since most players will never be able to fight Azuregos or Kazzak with them being on-farm by layer hopping sweatlords.
I just hope the server doesn’t lag or crash when a conflict happens at any world boss.
There won’t be any pvp for these bosses.