It’s no surprise that Anniversary struggling to keep up with SoD’s recent growth in light of the introduction of new content and now easily accessible runes.
I’m trying to answer this question: What is there to prefer with Anniversary’s endgame over SoD’s?
If there is anything SoD has done right, it has been drastically improving the endgame.
Me an my group have been enjoying SOD, live sucks right now
SoD seems to be much more focused on endgame than Classic (Era, etc.) would traditionally be. It has all sorts of catchup mechanics, including 1 copper runes at level 1, and experience boosts, while for many the Classic game may be solely about leveling, and never logging any raids. So, it’s a difficult comparison.
I think you could say, if there’s one way that SoD has leaned heavily towards Retail in design, it’s this, which I’m sure is “right” for some, but not for everybody.

SoD is good. But it’s just rehashed content with skins.
We want new content. Which I hope we are getting soon. They also need to fix PVP balance.
My answer is that I am not concerned about endgame at all.
SoD was fun, but the focus on raiding at each of the phases was something that I just wasn’t interested in.
Also I was enjoying my time on a perfectly viable server and was told “too small, it’s being closed”.
With all that said I have recently rolled a character there and having all the runes at level 1 is fun. Steamrolling groups of enemies is fun.
It’s something I plan to play occasionally. I just enjoy the slower pace of classic over SoD
been playing anni. for 3 weeks and im 44 but only playing in the evenings…I imagine in about a month anniversary is going to trump sod 3/1
nothing makes me cringe more than the word “endgame”
How about you make a good “game” as a whole instead of only focusing on one aspect of it.
SoD is total trash and if there is ever a proper Classic+ one day I hope it is nothing like SoD in any way
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SoD would be fun if the PvP wasn’t an unbalanced one-shot gank fest.
Best part of SoD was Blade Dance Rogue. (I love dodge tanks in MMOs)
I played sod up until the end of second phase. Was fun and it’s definitely a different approach to an older game style. I have been playing mostly anniversary lately only for the simple fact that I don’t know what direction the sod is going as far as longevity. Are my characters getting deleted after naxx etc? Will they keep dedicating resources to the discovery servers? The fact that “Seasonal” is in the name implies it will have an end. I know they never said anything solid about the future of these servers.
Anniversary realms have a brighter future. With the burning crusade and maybe/hopefully wrath servers. I like SoD and what it provided but I don’t like wasting my time. That’s my two cents

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I logged into the AU SoD server. There were 3 level 60s online.
I went to check out the US SoD server, Alliance was locked.
I proceeded to make a new paladin on the AU server, solo’d Deadmines, thought to myself, ‘this is a bit silly’ and deleted the character.
I admit running around as Balance Druid and just Moonfire/Sunfire spamming things to death at max range was fun for a few days.
Did SoD ever nerf ele shamans?
I did SoD up until where I basically got to a raidlog situation (T0.5 chain done, all attunements done, epic mount, decent gear, etc); it was a blast. I really think they nailed the “Classic Plus” vibe and the whole thing was pleasant.
I happen to be a big TBC fan though and hearing SoD wasn’t headed there, so I decided to re-create my character exactly in Anniversary and I’ve been pushing her to cap a second time (more slowly, obvs) so I have a chance to do TBC for a third time. If Anniversary offers TBC Era, it is where she’ll live.
Anniversary doesn’t get its WCL accurately updated so IF.Pro can’t provide accurate information for you.
Everything you think you know is wrong
I like watching forum drama, but this one is pretty played out.
This is nothing but a troll bait thread.
Yes anniversary has 8 subs and sod has 11. Win/win
Sod is just retail masquerading as classic. Ill take anniversary even with all its flaws and crazy pvp groups roaming about now thanks
Tbc and possibly not having retail combat in a low health game. So instead of scaling runes they rather just make you feel less powerful as a whole in PVP… Old spells feel bad to press