Anniversary Server Selection Issue /FIXED


At one time I was playing on Doomhowl and had 4 characters on the server all under level 20. A few days ago I deleted all 4 and created new characters on Dreamscythe so that I could hang out and play with a streamer I follow and join his community but every time I log into play I am put into character creation screen and after I go and select the back button I am then placed on the empty server of Doomhowl character screen.

I have to then change servers and choose mine, I do this every single time I log in.

I found this older thread and its pretty much same thing happening to me.

Is there a fix for this?


I think I have just found what was wrong.

Under the game client you choose which game you want to log into now there is both
Hardcore Anniversary Realm and Anniversary Realm.

I was logging into the Hardcore one and that was why I was put into Doomhowl.

Mods can close this thread now please.


It’s much as I pointed out then.

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