Only some zones, mostly low level actually seem to have dynamic spawn rates, if they didn’t farming scorpok assay wouldn’t take an hour.
Yeah, they were. And that was with 10% the server size of a Megaserver. That’s the point.
And no layers or sharding. Megaservers have layers which splits the population up.
I think the point is that layers are still larger than the old server size and it’s making zones feel congested. Now I don’t think it’s grossly overpopulated, but if the layers we’re maybe 25-30% smaller than they are now (which really only adds 1-2 more layers) it’d probably feel as it should.
That I do agree with. While I personally haven’t found an issue yet (except for the waiting for named quest mobs), I don’t think having slightly less populated layers would be harmful. But certainly not doubling them.
As someone who must compete with said players for a reputation grind that will last a LONG time (Wintersaber Trainers), I will be that weird one to claim I don’t mind having all the players around.
People are only concentrating on those issues that having more players can cause, w/o realizing or recognizing the benefits:
Namely, that we never have issues putting together groups for content, no matter how rare a quest might be, someone is looking to do it.
Imagine trying to get a group large enough to take down Nathanos Blightcaller for “Order Must be Restored” w/o a very long wait.