I loved anniversary realms and hardcore so much I stopped playing SoD mostly and made 1 of each class, my main on Nightslayer ( I love to pvp ) and my alts on the Hardcore Anniversary server. Then I discovered they wont let you transfer to Nightslayer only to Dreamscythe, the pve server. This is kind of a deal breaker for me. I stopped playing hardcore because of it. I want to keep my characters when they die and IM not playing on a boring pve server. The era servers werent like this, why now?
HC is a PvE server, you transfer to the PvE server this is how it traditionally has always been.
why should you get to level to 60 on a safe PvE server and then transfer to PvP? you gotta pay your dues (i.e. get ganked hundreds of times) if you want to be on PvP.
No offense sir, I appreciate you engaging with me, but you are wrong. That is why I am inquiring here. I even just checked, my level 18 druid on Skull Rock (hardcore server) can free transfer to my home server Whitemane (PvP Era). It’s always been this way, since free transfers opened up for hardcore realms. I’ve been playing it since launch its great fun. I really hope blizzard notices this and answers or fixes it.
It wouldn’t work for several reasons.
Enforced faction balance (what happens to players who die in hc just to be met with a cannot xfer due to your faction.)
Unfair to players who had to endure 1-60 leveling in a PvP environment.
This being said if you want to flag yourself for PvP on a PvE server nothing is stopping you.
Thank you for your opinion, but I respectfully disagree, as per my previous point of it already have happened on the era servers without a problem for the first year of hardcore’s existance. For the PvP server you obviously can only transfer characters of the same faction that you already have on the destination server ( like it already is on era ). Cheers
edit: Leveling in hardcore to 60 is much more stressful than leveling in a pvp environment. I also want to mention alot of people aren’t even going to transfer and keep playing thier toons when they die anyways, but some dedicated players like me will.
While you’re correct, the Era servers have some differences now days.
Tho you mentioned keeping characters; I sorta doubt this will be a thing on Anniversary servers; what I mean is they are likely all forced to TBC in 10.5 months
Yeah thats a good point, hardcore anniversary realms wont get the TBC patch, that is precisly why I want this addressed soon so I can enjoy hardcore while it lasts. Im sure my alts will all die before TBC launches then I can transfer them to Nightslayer and keep them when Hardcore dies off during TBC
On Era you can actually transfer both factions, and after this you can also create characters of both factions.
But HC => PvP transfer should totally be possible in Aniversary as well if you have none of the opposite faction, and the faction you’re transferring to is not locked.
this they’re all going to TBC. can’t wait until the forums start crying about it. i’ll be here dispensing my toldyaso’s.
I though about this and realized it’s likely for the best because of the coiners and the amazing amount of inflation they would bring to WMC and in turn destroy our stable economy.