Anniversary Event is today!

The Classic Bosses from TBC, Wrath, an Cata will be up soon today and beat them all and we get the Deathwing Mount!!!

And this event will last until January.

The article was posted yesterday mind you.



Yayayand a complete sentence


I can’t wait for the raid fights.

Pre setback KT is going to be fun fun

Happening after the reset more than likely? And which bosses are we talking about?

Can’t wait! Isn’t it also lasting way longer than anniversary events usually do? On the site it said until January. Hope so, that XP boost is GREAT.
(And I can mog my sunglasses finally)

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I’m dreading LK, Vashj and Kael on LFR.

It’ll be fun tho.

Yea it’s supposed to last until Jan 7th

That’s 2 months of 15% exp rep boost

Also… I think, but not positive, that all TW vendors will be up


TBC: Archimonde, Kael’thas, and Vashjj.

Wrath: Lich King, Anub’arak, and Heigan the Unclean.

Cata: Ragnaros, Neferian, Cho’gall

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I promised myself I was done leveling but I’m seeing another 10 alts in my immediate future @_@


yap i got the sunglasses to woot :sunglasses:

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Been looking forward to this. Anyone know how hard the raid bosses will be for the event?

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Oh, I’m very pleased it isn’t the Spine of Deathwing we have to do.


Madness of Deathwing would have been a cakewalk.

I will be dead for most of these battles, is my prediction.


I am dreading Cho’gall because of Old God mechanics of insanity and mutation.

Can all the raids be done in LFR, or do they require groups?

I heard its all LFR difficulty.

Cool beans.

Here is the official announcement and such.