Anniversary Event - BRD Raid Entrance Invisible Barrier


Just tried to do LFR 1st wing of BRD and there is an invisible barrier that cannot cross, nor target any mobs when you are trying to go forwards to the main cavern room. The left side door is locked too so you can’t go anywhere. You will get deserter if you leave as well. Just a heads up!


Can confirm, i was likely in the same LFR. This was the second time I experienced something like this in the first wing of BRD in LFR. Only been having problems with this wing. Other two cleared fine.

Same issue on heroic

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Same on normal

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Same thing different Heroic group

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Same issue back to back in LFR.
First at the start, and then upon joining into a run in progress on Bael’gar.
Great game.

Came here with the same issue on heroic

Totally feeling the same! I just tried to run a normal and couldn’t even get past the first trash mobs. I miss the good old days when you could just put in a ticket and get stuff fixed right away. Now it’s an 8-hour patch, then another 24-48 hours for them to patch the patch to make it playable. So annoying!

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Also same, tried normal and met the wall.

We had someone solo queue and the wall was down, resetting the boss removes the invisible barrier

Doesnt work if people are of differnt factions.

Can’t get past on the invisible wall on normal either.

Our guild group ran into this issue as well- Resetting all instances (though no one in our group had killed any bosses of this raid yet) and then having everyone relog seemed to do the trick for us.

Seems to have been fixed

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Thanks for the update! :two_hearts: