Ankoans: the Alliance's answer to playable jinyu?

I gotta agree, them just helping us beat the Naga and then just fading off like a Candle in the Wind seems…unlikely.
I don’t believe that Story from Blizzard, I’m willing to bet there’s a bunch of them hidden somewhere or a stash of eggs are hidden away, like the Nerubians had a hidden Egg stash to repopulate themselves after the Lich King was beaten.
Or worst case scenario, they go live with the Alliance Allied Jinyu and marry into that tribe(s).

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Oh this would make me so outstandingly happy. I always felt kinda bad. You were supposed to help them then after Pandaria it was like Pearlfin who?

Yeah i hate seeing races being left behind like that, maybe this could be a chance to renew their potential

Doubly so, I think, when you give them Alliance pennants and training and ask them to fight and die for your cause then wave to them as you leave them in a sha smoke infested pit from your awesome sky fortress with fire decals on the side.

Don’t forget, murlocs were ranking high on the early AR polls. These Ankoans are like murloc-headed Jinyu, which is just plain awesome!

My thought train was to have the first “genderless” races added: jinyu and ogres.

Your “male” jinyu would be the traditional MoP model, the “female” would be the Ankoan model.

The “male” ogre would be 1 headed, the “female” ogre would be the two headed.

Regardless I hope jinyu get added, I love them and the Ankoan are amazing looking.

many prayers to be answered by one race ;3

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It would be cool to have them as a regular race, not an allied race for two reasons.

One, they’re their own thing, not a subrace so they can’t be an allied race.

Two, they’re not just some humanoid version of a specific animal like Vulpera or Sethrak, but a more ambiguous amphibian creature which I like.