Ankoans: the Alliance's answer to playable jinyu?

Yea i took more looks at it a little earlier and i think it was just a hunched position that made it look like they had hunchback, they don’t seem to be hunched passively

That would be amazing :0

they can deal with it >:3

I really wonder if that PH_ in front of the banner name means “placeholder” or not.

They made it a point to specifically say in their reveal at blizzcon that there aren’t many left and can’t reproduce. I wouldn’t get my hopes up.

Looks like a night elf rig to me, same as normal jinyu.

They also described void elves as a “crack elite squad” under Alleria’s command. There can’t possibly be that many mag’har orcs and pandaren on their respective factions either.

I’d say as long as there are about 50 individuals left in lore, there’s enough of a basis to play as one.


They make the perfect AR for Worgen!

What if they even originated from the same elves as the Naga, meaning they could get a Two Forms ability like Worgen to change into a Highborne? Maybe they are the ones lower down the totem pole in a caste system or something.

I like them, I hope they get an option with regular teeth and eyes like the original Jinyu

Ankoan’s would be a cool Alliance Race. That is why it won’t happen. Too much fun and it might not be fun in 3 years.


!!! Wow, they’re cute. I definitely wouldn’t mind getting to play these guys – even tho my heart’s still set on hoping for a reptilian race. Either way, I’d like a silhouette for the Alliance that doesn’t immediately come off as different flavor of hooman.

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They also said we’d be killing every single nightborne back when Legion was revealed. I don’t put much stock into the lore blurbs given at Blizzcon. Don’t worry, though, I’m not getting my hopes up. It’s not worth it.

Besides, here’s the specific quote:

So, where does this story go? Is that really all there’s going to be to it? The Alliance shows up, meets the Ankoan, helps them kill a bunch of naga and then wishes them a nice extinction and leaves? We did that to the krokul on Argus, so I suppose it’s entirely possible it happens again.

I really hope there’s a more satisfying story than that, though. They’re really pushing the escort system this time, they want you to get to know these characters and become attached to them; what’s the point if they’re so doomed?

Have fun with your reskinned Jinyu. We get gilblins.

We’ll probably get vulpera, too.

Last Blizzcon they revealed six allied races, but only released four in 7.3.5. I wonder if they’ll cap off the allied race system with another six, or leave it with four? I don’t think we’ll only get two more, if only because gilblins and junker gnomes are so niche.

I’d rather get Arakkoas than “Akoans”

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Worgen, Forsaken, and Pandaren all need ARs still if Giblins and Mechagnomes are the real deal.

They said somewhere that they don’t really care about the rigging too much, so I wouldn’t be terribly surprised to see Horde get both vulpera and gilblins in the end. Alliance has two varieties of dwarf, and will likely soon have two varieties of gnome. No reason the Horde can’t have two goblins and one fox-goblin, y’know?

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What if the Vulpera were the Pandaren AR? They have similar cultures, values, and oppressed histories.

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Ankoan don’t have the same evolutionary history as the naga. The broadcast text in 8.2 confirms that they’re offshoots of the Jinyu that favored a different environment. Lorewise, Jinyu evolved from murlocs, so it’s likely the Ankoa did as well. Their facial features are reminiscent of deep sea murlocs too.


Well that’s interesting to learn at any rate.

You know giblins are reskinned goblins right? Lol

Why not both?

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