<Anime Thighs> - Arthas [H] (10/10 M CN) LF Warlock/Boomkin

Bump, still looking for a skilled Resto Shaman to jump right into our Mythic roster.


Added. /10char

still looking for more :slight_smile:

Bump, still looking for a skill Resto shaman. Add me if interested!

bump bump :>

Destroyer down and at 3/10 M. Still looking for a strong rsham/disc for an immediate spot on our progression roster. Reach out to me if interested!

If you’ve never seen someone with an Artificer portal Night Fae blink into a trap, and ruin it’s placement. Have I got the guild for you (it was me, I did it)

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Still have immediate spots open for a strong Resto Shaman and Disc Priest for our roster. Reach out if you have questions or want to talk about trialing with us!

2/10M and 10/10H Disc priest. Just sent Phay a friend request.

Xymox down, 4/10 M now. Still looking for a strong Disc/Resto shaman we feel can step in immediately as part of the team, lmk!

5/10m, still looking for a strong Disc/Resto Shaman for our roster :slight_smile:

Update: 6/10 M now with Darkvein down. Looking for a strong tank to add to our roster, but all skilled players can reach out. Lmk!

recruiting a DH or Warrior tank, a strong dps DK and/or Boomkin/DH dps to round out our raid roster!

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2/10M Veng dh with insane logs here
sent phay a friend request

Bump, looking for a solid Havoc DH dps and boomkin! Lmk

6/10M havoc. Sent request on disc and bnet.
Won’t let me link logs but they are available on request.

Bump, now recruiting a strong DK dps or WW monk and a ranged dps (Boomkin/Elemental shaman pref, and if you have a healer OS even better). If you are looking to a solid group of people to raid with and consider yourself a CE capable player, reach out to me! Looking for those who can step in immediately as needed for Stone Legion Generals prog.

Bump, 10/10 M Sire down! LF tank, 2 rdps and dh dps asap. reach out if interested!

Bump. LF Tank, rDPS, and a DH. What are you waiting for, message the man already :point_up_2: