Animations > Flashy Spell Effects

Just a suggestion, but moving forward could you guys tone it down with the spell effects at least for certain classes? I.e. Rogues, Warriors, Monks, Hunters–I’m not saying completely remove the spell effects that occur when they do a thing, but most fights just seem to look like a tasmanian devil going berserk inside of a giant bright blob and this has been going on for a while now. Animations are so much cooler visually, and make classes that don’t rely so much on magic feel more impactful. A lot of the melee animations that have been implemented over the years are still really great but considering the model overhaul was from WoD and a lot of those newer melee animations were from Legion, I think it’s high time we had more animations rather than more spell effects for those classes.

Well, if you want a flashy animation instead of a flashy effect, look no further than BLADESTORM (it is probably slowed down a bit because of .gif size but still, just as silly)

Ok I’ll try to be a bit more subtle.

thanks boo

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Just roll a DK. Their spell affects haven’t been updated since wotlk. You can count the pixels on one hand.