Animal Companion Mandatory?

It looks like every build uses this miserable talent. Are we stuck needing it yet again?

I am one of those folks who loved the fantasy of a hunter and their beastly pal vs the world. I never liked running around with an extra pet, being three “characters” wide. But since Legion this is how Beast Master has worked. I was hoping to have the option of changing it up in DF.


Did you try removing your extra pet from the Number 1 slot at the stables? I think that removes it, so you only have one pet as a BM. unless I totally misunderstood the question. I been MM for years so not 100% on that.

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You can pick around it, but for best damage you have to take it. Yes I also don’t like it. Now we are pet locked:

BM - 2
MM - 0
SV - 1

It’s very odd that the choice here has been removed for players.

That’s what I was afraid of. I won’t say that Animal Companion was THE reason I didn’t play much of BfA or Shadowlands, those expansions had some serious issues, but it was a contributing factor. I’ve been a Beast Master since vanilla and two companions doesn’t jive with my sense of the character I’ve been playing these long years.

It was okay in Legion where Blizzard obviously figured the BM artifact had to do something pet-centric but when my adventure with Hati was over I was hoping to go back to one pet style. I know I can NOT take AC but if a BM hunter wants to be taken seriously that’s not really an option.

I wish AC was a glyph or at least that the talents were balanced so it wasn’t always mandatory.


You might want to tame the frogs in Tanaan Jungle. They became soooo tiny that you wouldn’t even noticed it. It’d look like a speck of dust.

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I too would rather have a single pet, especially seeing as pets have a tendency to often act dumb af. Also I find they are constantly getting in my way on the “click on that think” quests. I’d much rather have one that just does the damage of animal companion without needed the extra. I’ll deal with it though.

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I just dislike giving us the illusion of choice in this situations. I know cookie cutter will always happen but if every build uses a talent I’d rather that talent be a gimme instead of “tricking” me into thinking I can build around it.

Like moonkin form for balance druids isn’t an actual option.

Its not just that a “cookie cutter” build happens, when you look at the hunter and bm trees there is no choice. There is one path and anything else is HUGE in terms of reduced effectiveness

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Having the option and the option being viable are two separate discussions.

No BM hunter is “forced” into taking animal companion, but not taking it is a dps loss. If you don’t care about that then its a non issue.

Which is disappointing but not surprising.

Animal Companion is probably the strongest talent in the tree. It’s essentially a 20% pet damage boost, which is more than triple what we get from 2 points in Beast Master(3/6% pet damage) and double what we get in Training Expert(5/10% pet damage).

The downside to choosing it is reduced damage from Aspect of the Beast and Brutal Companion, which are strong talents in their own right. It’s also currently causing Call of the Wild to do 35% less damage, but nobody chooses that garbage talent anyway.

so this is like the “optional” moonkin form for Balance in that it is not an option.

It’s optional if you’re okay with hobbling yourself. lol

but is it garbage without animal companion?