When your inventory is full and you receive anima items (which are mailed to you by the postmaster) you do not get any credit towards “Replenish the Reservoir”, either when the anima is initially awarded or when you open the mail.
I am getting this problem. This is the second time it is happened to me.
This was set up this way so that players wouldn’t use the mail service as a bank and try to get the anima to count from the prior week(s).
That’s bollocks!
It has happened though in the past. Last week people were trying to get the 250 anima from the mail from the world boss the week before and were upset that it didn’t count on their new week. They had purposefully not looted it so that it would be mailed to them, and then didn’t open that mail until after the reset and picking up the new weekly quest.
This needs to be fixed. They can prevent people from saving from the previous week and still give credit after getting the quest. Not hard to fix.
This makes sense, except the game should just give you credit when the Anima is rewarded then, instead of giving it to you never.
You have to loot it for it to be awarded. If you don’t so that it gets sent to the mail, then it doesn’t count.
My post was about receiving it from a quest. You can’t choose to loot or not loot anima awarded for a quest - it’s automatically mailed when your bags are full, and then you don’t get any credit either when it’s awarded or mailed.
For that, you would post the suggestion in the General Discussion Forum so the people who make game change decisions can see it.
It’s not a suggestion, it’s a bug. Anima doesn’t get credited to the quest at all.
It would be a suggestion since only looted anima gets counted as set up by the dev team that made that decision. You want them to change how it works so you would need to suggest that to them.
This happened to me today. I hope they fix it