Anima Conductor to Glitterfall Basin for the Large Lunarlight Pod treasure BUG

I actived my Anima Conductor in Ardenweald and directed the connection to Glitterfall Basin for the Large Lunarlight Pod there. I went to Glitterfall Basin and clicked on the Dim Lunarlight Pod which instructed me to get Lunarlight Bud. I check on the internet and yes you have to click on the Lunarlight Bud to pick them up, HOWEVER there is no inaction with the Lunarlight Bud currently I can not click them to pick them up. Can you please fix this problem.

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You don’t pick them up. Just stand on top of them for a second and they’ll start glowing. Once you’ve done that to five, you’ll be able to open the pod.

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You run over them and they light up.

I lit up 7 lunar buds in the area and the Dim Lunarlight Pod will not open.

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It has to be 5 closer to the bud. I found one a bit too far and had to search for one closer.

I don’t even get how to do this. I found 3 nearby the dim lunarlight pod and have spent over an HOUR looking for the other two. I’m getting very frustrated.


I just found out there are lunarlight buds slightly outside of the vicinity to the location of the treasure. I had to open 6, not 5 of the lunarlight buds.

next to the fp you will find one and another in the cooking pot behind willowwisp. i had to jump into the pot to get it


horrible little task
no counter
no feedback
no area defined to lookin
minimal reward
first time doing it took ages
annoying little tasks that require google searches


I am having the same problem…

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This particular treasure seems bugged today. There were only 4 plants available in the vicinity to stand on, and even if you go back and do all of them twice, the bud still would not allow interaction.

Usually, there are at least 5 or 6 nearby that fit the criteria, but we had a reset this morning, so I figure it got bugged.

im currently sitting at 8 active and I still can’t get it…

9 active and it finally let me open it…

FWIW, you just need five. For 2/5/21 on Perenolde, it was, after landing:

  1. North near table
  2. North again near res point
  3. West
  4. South, next to hut
  5. Just outside east entrance

This quest is bugged. I have found 9 flowers today, I passed on everyone of them and the chest still didn’t open. I am doing the one on Glitterfall Basin.