Anima Charged combo point bug

hey so the anima charged combo point for kyrian rogue echoing reprimand is doing way less damage than its supposed to when consumed and also isnt interacting with restless blades for outlaw spec…this is a bit game breaking tbh plz fix


please help


Did they fix this yet?


nope still not fixed :frowning:


The anima-charged combo is straight up not working in 9.1. If it lands on 2 combo, then you’re doing 2 combo points worth of damage instead of 7. Especially clear with [Between the Eyes] buff where a 2-combo anima charge will only last for 6 seconds instead of 21.


Same here… just changed my covenant to Kyrian and its not working :stuck_out_tongue:


day 3…still doesnt work…i am forgotten


Still not working please fix


bump pfx this plz

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no news on this topic?

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day 4 i am ignored :frowning:

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Still not working …

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already have a forum post up for this issue, and have reported the bug multiple times with the ingame reporting tool, no reply anywhere. #brokenkyrianRogues.

This bug also applies to the Reverberating Strike anima power in Torghast. It’s the one that is supposed to make the anima-charged combo point do 20 combo points worth of damage/effect instead of 7.

After getting it in a run and testing it, it has the same issue. A 2/3/4 combo point dispatch/between the eyes does 2/3/4 combo points of damage/effect. I guess it sounds obvious - the issue and fix are probably one and the same.

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Bliz plz fix, Bump!

Edit#1 sent bug report ingame multiple times. Need Bliz attention on this issue, covenant is unplayable in this state. Now we cant even switch to keep playing.

Bump Blizz, plz fix. At this point your hotfixing old content before this.

we need help, bug continues