[A]<Night Lords> T/W/Sun 8:30-11 PM PST, 10/11H SFO Recruiting

Night Lords is an evening/late night guild looking to complete each raid tier quickly and more efficiently than the last. We do not shoot for CE, but we will dabble in Mythic raiding content if our roster is up for it. We’ve tested our mettle in many other MMOs and other PC game genres, so we’re experienced in cooperative, competitive environments. We do stream all of our raids between our in-guild streamers.

Progression Raid Times
Tuesday 8:30-11:00 PST
Wednesday 8:30-11:00 PST
Sunday 8:30-11:00 PST -Only During Progression

Optional Raid Times
Friday 8:30-11:00 PST -Alt Raid Fun

Current Progression
10/11 Heroic Sepulcher
11/11 Normal Sepulcher
10/10 Normal/Heroic Sanctum
10/10 Normal/Heroic Nathria

Our primary focus for guild progression is raiding, but we still do Mythic+ for KSM and to get additional loot options out of the Great Vault, as well as other PvE & PvP content. We always complete teh raid Glory metas after completing a raid’s AotC.

If you are just looking to join the guild socially, just hit up someone who is currently online and we will get you a guild invite. We’re always welcoming more social players, and can/will help people grow further in the game if that’s what they’re looking to do.

Raid Recruitment
For our Heroic progression, be at least 250-255.
Feel free to apply regardless of the below roles; we’d be happy to bring you along, look at your logs, and help you grow as part of our team.
High Priority
Any Spec Mage
Any Spec Priest (Holy/Disc Preferred)
Enh Shaman x2
Any Spec Warlock
Medium Priority
Balance Druid
BM/MM Hunter
WW Monk
Ele Shaman
Low Priority
Frost/UH DK

For M+
We are always on the look out for quality tanks/healers to make it easier to put together Mythic+ groups. DPS who are comfortable with off-spec tank/heals are definitely the most welcome.

We are also interested in putting together non-raid related events and activities as well, such as mog runs from older content, TMog contests (like Trial of Style), mount contests and runs, as well as achievement runs. As well as playing other games outside of WoW.

Thank you for your consideration in Night Lords, we hope to hear from you in-game or through Discord!

Guild Contacts
Hahwkeye - Human Resources - HuggsiesTTV#1900/Discord - HuggsiesTV#1942
Erno - Core Raid Leader - Crystalline#1390/Discord - Crystalline#6541
Paragøn - Guild Leader - Paragon#1528/Discord - ParagonAndrew#1528

Since the tier started, updated our progression and our priority list.

Bumping this a bit, it’s been a minute.

Updated our priority list as well as our progression.


Hi. Are you still recruiting?


Hi just got back into Wow after taking a break. Have a WW Monk and this guy I play. Both at 250 ilv currently. Was curious if you are still recruiting