Angst off!

Ladies and gentlemen, today you get your chance to finally settle the score and decide who is the angstyest of all!

Let’s meet our contenders!

The Void Elf Warlock who might sprout tentacles and turn into a giant eyeball, but not because you asked!

The Blood Elf Death Knight who suffers oh so well!

And finally, the Blood Elf Demon Hunter who sacrificed everything to be here!

Cast your vote below!

DH… it is ALWAYS the DH…

DH… It is ALWAYS the DH…

DH… It is ALWAYS the DH…

DH… it is ALWAYS the DH…

DH… it is ALWAYS the DH…

DH… it is ALWAYS the DH…

Obviously… the answer is “the elf” because all the options are some form of mini-elf, and so, all belf varieties must be equally angsty.

Does the void elf put all their text through a Zalgo filter to show you how powerful and scary and deep they are? :thinking:

DH… it is ALWAYS the DH…

Late to the party, but obviously need to represent my fellow edgelord Illidari.