3/8m 8/8h is looking for more to progress through mythic Ashvane and beyond. We are in need of DPS and all specs will be considered. We raid Tuesday and Thursday 8:15-11:00pm server time (PST). Our raid team B (8/8h) has room for all roles and raids heroic on Fridays at 8pm PST.
Most of the guild is comprised of adults who have families and work yet still have time and the motivation to push raid content and mythic+ keys. If you are interesting in joining for m+ we have a group that is around 1500 that always has room for others trying to push io.
If you are interested or have any questions, please feel free to add me on Bnet @ Getsome#1304 or post here.
Bump on Jadefire now! Very fun guild to raid with!
in desperate need of a warlock and a holy pally!
Hello! I am 418ilvl, 9/9N, 7/9H, 1/9M BoD, 1/2N CoS. 1491 io currently looking for guild. I can tank or dps.
Hey Potato, what is your btag? you can post it here or add Getsome#1304
Hi! how are u guys on old hunters?
Add my btag! We might have a hunter rerolling so if you’re good enough it might work out
Also, 3/9m now.
Do you need a dk or warrior.415 dk and 410 warrior 3/9 mythic down and 2/2 cos
Sorry I never got back to you, let me know if you’re still looking. Also, updated thread, still recruiting.
bump 7/8h now looking for mythic raiders. We also just opened a 2nd raid group as a farm team for alts and returning players.
Been 8/8H for a while. Just need more for mythic…
8/8h for a while, like Redseal said we just need more for mythic!
Were you the one I was talking to on bnet Anastine?
bump. 1/8m still recruiting
OG raider back from a 2 year break I’m intested what classes you looking for
3/8m now
Cytherea did you ever get in contact with me?
Still recruiting? Returning player lf pve guild to prepare for shadowlands with. Currently play 3pm-10pm Mon-Thurs (due to covid off work wed/Fri) Fri 3pm-2-3am, sat all day, sun all day-10pm.
Same question as poptrt. I have a couple of classes and could play all roles, but how are you on rogue?