Angler's Water Striders mount equipment - annoying and not an improvement at all!

I do have this on one character, but my alts are not receiving this item.

In Pandaria I got a toon to exalted with Anglers and bought the Water Strider. All my other characters that could use ground mounts were able to equip this mount and walk on water. This was amazing! I loved it. It transformed my WoW experience.

I took a break from WoW right before 8.2 was released, and came back during Dragonflight Season 3.

As I understand it, characters that could use the mount when 8.2 was released received an email with this item in it, but it’s not happening. It’s not happening on newly rolled alts, and it’s not happening on existing alts that could use the mount before, though on the existing alts I am taking the gear update, maybe that’s messing it up the mail somehow.

Anyway, this is SUPER FRUSTRATING. I’m extremely annoyed that for each alt I start playing again, I’m going to have to fly all the way down to Nat Pagle, buy ONE SINGLE mount equipment item because you can only have one at a time, and mail it to that alt, at her expense, just to get back the mount ability I used to have without doing anything special at all.

They do sometimes make things annoying, often these petty annoyances, sometimes much worse - don’t get me started on the Legion Fishing artefact.

I have no solace to offer, but you might consider getting Katy’s Stampwhisle first. It’s worth doing anyway, it’s fun, takes an hour or two, and gives you a summonable mailbox that lasts 10 minutes, so you can mail them all from the Wharf.

Then you can at least have the satisfaction of having beaten the system, just a tiny bit. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you for the solace, and the suggestion! I was never able to find the Lost Mail item needed to start the quest and there is at least a mailbox right there on the Angler’s Wharf.

I do think there is a bit of a bug here because my alts that would have been able to use this mount - and many of them did - have not received the item mailed to them and I understand they should have.

If the item was put into the mail system at the time of the transition but you didn’t access the game for several months after that, it’s likely the undeliverable mail would have been aged out and deleted, so waiting for the freebie will not work.

The only way forward would be to use the character that has the necessary reputation to go to the Anglers quartermaster and buy the water walking mount equipment and mail them out to each character you want to be able to do that.

I surmised that, and I have the gold, that’s not the issue, but it feels bad and unfair. The mails should have been re-generated when I reopened my account instead of having this unpleasant surprise waiting for me.