Anglers Dailies Question

So MoP is the only expansion I never got around to playing. I am looking to do the Anglers dailies to eventually unlock the water walking mount.

I was wondering if at this point there are any pre requisites to unlock the dailies with this faction? Is there any zones I need to have done the quest storylines in or can I just go to where ever these dailies are located and do them?

Thanks in advance for any help provided!

You can just go and do them. There should be three every day and there are also some fish you can get each day that you can turn in for rep as well.

Do you know off the top of your head where they are located? If not all good Im sure it could be looked up.

Thanks for your time!

South Eastern Krasarang Wilds.

This is right. The place is called Angler’s Wharf. I just don’t know where the extra rare fish are found.

Thanks everyone!

Another thing to note is once you hit revered with them you can buy a thing from nat that unlocks double rep from the dailies.

good to know, i appreciate the tip!

Oh yeah, if you wait for pandaria timewalking you can buy angler’s rep tokens with timewalking badges. I think people have said they can farm it in a day. I’m not sure as I got mine thru the dailies.

I think the rare fish are just that, a rare catch- just in the areas of the base fish. There’s the Spinefish Alpha, Mimic Octopus, and Flying Tiger Gourami, each of which you can turn in once a day.

The only “prerequisite” I’d recommend is 1 quest to un-freeze some guys in a time bubble nearby, as it unlocks a close flight path for Alliance, at The Incursion just north of Angler’s Wharf.

To gain rep specifically with Nat Pagle you need the rare fish mentioned by some of the others. This will help you know what, when, and where.

Have patience and good luck.

Spinefish Alpha,
Can be caught up in caught in the lake in south east Kunlai

Mimic Octopus,
caught right there at the anglers wharf by Nat Pagle

Flying Tiger Gourami,
caught just north of the wharf in the inland ponds and streams.

I think I am going to go the anglers dailies route over the fishing. I have never even picked up the fishing skill in game so I feel like that would be the much much longer route to go for this.

Thanks for all the input!

yeah…do the Anglers…its only takes a few days.
Grab those rare fish every day and buy the commendation from Nat Pagle when you can to speed it up.

Do i need to have a certain fishing skill to get the rare fish?

You’ll catch a lot of junk until around…I wanna say 30 Pandaria fishing skill. But as far as I know a low skill won’t prevent you from catching any fish.