So MoP is the only expansion I never got around to playing. I am looking to do the Anglers dailies to eventually unlock the water walking mount.
I was wondering if at this point there are any pre requisites to unlock the dailies with this faction? Is there any zones I need to have done the quest storylines in or can I just go to where ever these dailies are located and do them?
Oh yeah, if you wait for pandaria timewalking you can buy angler’s rep tokens with timewalking badges. I think people have said they can farm it in a day. I’m not sure as I got mine thru the dailies.
I think the rare fish are just that, a rare catch- just in the areas of the base fish. There’s the Spinefish Alpha, Mimic Octopus, and Flying Tiger Gourami, each of which you can turn in once a day.
The only “prerequisite” I’d recommend is 1 quest to un-freeze some guys in a time bubble nearby, as it unlocks a close flight path for Alliance, at The Incursion just north of Angler’s Wharf.
I think I am going to go the anglers dailies route over the fishing. I have never even picked up the fishing skill in game so I feel like that would be the much much longer route to go for this.
You’ll catch a lot of junk until around…I wanna say 30 Pandaria fishing skill. But as far as I know a low skill won’t prevent you from catching any fish.