Anetheron Horde Reconnections

i was in entropy and perdition up to burning crusade when i stopped playing for a few years. Palpatinne Orc Shaman, remember you warath and a few more. Im mostly known for having died holding hands to another shaman in TK.


Yozenfrogurt, Undead Mage

Guilds: Lethal Souls, Rise, Execution, Mediocracy


I was Detrimental/Ragingcow! It’s been a LONG time since I’ve seen entropy mentioned around!

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I played a Tauren Hunter named Tadmg in the guild Omni during Vanilla.

Ignatius Blood Elf Rogue during beginning of BC can’t remember what exactly i played in classic before some chinese person hacked me deleted my character afterwards, if u know ignatius, beforeold my death knight tauren, or forenzic my troll hunter u would know my classic character as well. i think it was an undead rogue.

I played an undead mage named pyro. Looking for people who used to be in alluvion. Some names I can remember are brocksampson (undead warrior), infectos(troll hunter), xquisit(undead rogue).

Hi yall <3

I remember Brocksampson as well actually. Pretty sure he raided in Omni iirc. I’m assuming thats where I know the name form at least.

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Jambii - 70 BE Pally
I know it’s not vanilla… but I played BC on this server

Did you run bgs with Elektra and Dinobot?

Stupidhead - 60 Orc Shaman
I think i was in Incinerate…

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Anyone need some o’ dat windfury?


Bring back Beats 2019.


good question


Sorry for the late response. Ya, hit me up. Discord: Doug#1594


Old entropy peeps hmu on discord CeeFour#6775

I was with Incinerate pretty briefly in the beginning. Joined when Darkguard’s guild merged in if I’m not mistaken. Was Madmartigan 60 fury/prot war

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Tauren Shaman
Guild KoS
Discord: ericit59#5544

Awesome! Give me a should on discord: #Doug1594

No way! Are we getting the band back together???!?!