Anetheron Alliance Reconnections

Hey Thursday.

I was a NE Hunter in Eclipsed, a small group has still been playing on and off throughout the expansions and are back for Classic. Hit me up for discord invite.


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Ayyyy Anetheron! Along with the group Gossipgirl listed, wondering if my buddy Alex from SLO see this.

this guy here…

the one and the only, squashedface!

Hello Evilized. I think he is playing. I’ll find out where.

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Hey it’s me, Supergnoma. Raided with Vicious Cycle in vanilla, then played resto Shaman named Reactor in TBC but I forget my guild name we ended up merging into Last Hope around the middle of TBC when the alliance side of the server was dying, though.

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Yeah, where you playing for classic?

I was Imdumb a Gnome warlock who played w my dad and uncle. Guilds were PUnishers army, Astronomy Domaine and Dauntless! had some AMAZING times with everyone on anetheron; some of my best memories of gaming as a kid was with / against all you guys. Mad love <3

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Hello guys its Hesteria, i’m trying to see if anyone from Elemental is still playing wow. I’m replying here only because I cant fig out how to post… lol
I hope you’re well Aq :slight_smile:

Good ol’ days

Anyone remember me? Bossmaann, later xferred to Mal’Ganis then rolled DK.

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I remember you. I was Dirtysire, Gnome Warrior in Vicious Cycle!

Anyone from BlackListed still playing WoW?

I was in provoked as a dwarf hunter named khelek

Got Gladiator on Dalvengyr season 1 then transferred to Anetheron at the start of season two to play with Johnrambo and Unholydeity of < GODZ> -> then < Stormstrike Celebrity >

Anyone know what happened to either of them? I remember Johnrambo had a lot of notoriety - but damn he was pro.

I had a war(Raikiri, then became Raik nelf) and lock (Joebananaz) throughout Anetheron; was in Pandemonium, then merged to Group Beast, then I believe Juxtaposition? Finally, it was Nothing Personal. I played SL and basically stopped after S1, now in TBC Classic.

I remember you Aquilae. I went to HS with Daninsky; all in that guild. It’s been a long time!

Started on this server Ret pally names purepwn and played with another pally name pureshield, would like to hookkup with some the old faces