Hey Thursday.
I was a NE Hunter in Eclipsed, a small group has still been playing on and off throughout the expansions and are back for Classic. Hit me up for discord invite.
Hey Thursday.
I was a NE Hunter in Eclipsed, a small group has still been playing on and off throughout the expansions and are back for Classic. Hit me up for discord invite.
Ayyyy Anetheron! Along with the group Gossipgirl listed, wondering if my buddy Alex from SLO see this.
this guy here…
the one and the only, squashedface!
Hello Evilized. I think he is playing. I’ll find out where.
Hey it’s me, Supergnoma. Raided with Vicious Cycle in vanilla, then played resto Shaman named Reactor in TBC but I forget my guild name we ended up merging into Last Hope around the middle of TBC when the alliance side of the server was dying, though.
Yeah, where you playing for classic?
I was Imdumb a Gnome warlock who played w my dad and uncle. Guilds were PUnishers army, Astronomy Domaine and Dauntless! had some AMAZING times with everyone on anetheron; some of my best memories of gaming as a kid was with / against all you guys. Mad love <3
Hello guys its Hesteria, i’m trying to see if anyone from Elemental is still playing wow. I’m replying here only because I cant fig out how to post… lol
I hope you’re well Aq
Good ol’ days
Anyone remember me? Bossmaann, later xferred to Mal’Ganis then rolled DK.
I remember you. I was Dirtysire, Gnome Warrior in Vicious Cycle!
Anyone from BlackListed still playing WoW?
I was in provoked as a dwarf hunter named khelek
Got Gladiator on Dalvengyr season 1 then transferred to Anetheron at the start of season two to play with Johnrambo and Unholydeity of < GODZ> -> then < Stormstrike Celebrity >
Anyone know what happened to either of them? I remember Johnrambo had a lot of notoriety - but damn he was pro.
I had a war(Raikiri, then became Raik nelf) and lock (Joebananaz) throughout Anetheron; was in Pandemonium, then merged to Group Beast, then I believe Juxtaposition? Finally, it was Nothing Personal. I played SL and basically stopped after S1, now in TBC Classic.
I remember you Aquilae. I went to HS with Daninsky; all in that guild. It’s been a long time!
Started on this server Ret pally names purepwn and played with another pally name pureshield, would like to hookkup with some the old faces