Squashedface, Human Paladin in <Eclipsed>
I remember the awesome world PvP over bosses like Azuregos and Lethon.
Squashedface, Human Paladin in <Eclipsed>
I remember the awesome world PvP over bosses like Azuregos and Lethon.
I remember you on my lock Tenshock… Good times fighting Memnarch… I do miss Kopa and Epiphany guild.
I kinda miss that girl, great pocket healer, lots of fun to talk to
Saintblade here. I dont remember my old guild name i think it might of been amped not sure. Former GM rogue and naxx raider.
/wave from Phileo! looking to meet back up with some friends!
Holy crap, I remember you. I wanna say you were a Night Elf Fury warrior, weren’t you? I feel like you dueled this orc rogue in the STV arena for gold and you made a youtube video about it because there was a lot of trash talk back and forth between you two. I think you won but we all made fun of you because you literally clicked your trinket from your character page.
I was a human warrior named Chub and I was one of the guys on the BG team for guild Nyx. Back when we were doing the r14 grind, we dominated the server.
Looking for anyone who played with us; I still remember many of your names and classes. I’m still in contact with Amo (the r14 pally) and Limes (the r14 warrior).
Looking for Shiftz, Animality, Smidge, Eatmopie, Legit, Npotential, Mell, Hazel, Usa, Saltydog, Exacto, Valorium, Judgedred, Bognos/Gobson, Hellvis, Gornish/Skyknight, Dan (forgot your lock’s name) and anyone else who might have played with us or remember who we were.
We started off as BAD MANNER then merged with Obsidian Knights and eventually became the wrecking crew Nyx.
Hit me up or respond here!
I’m pretty sure I remember playing with you. Was Evilized, gnome mage in Eclipsed too right when they opened the new server.
Wonder if anyone else like Jun will be coming back.
Yeah that was me haha. Back when people clicked spells and keyboard turned alot. Think the rogues name was mallific
Surprised i was remembered by that and not topping 40 man raid meeters in naxx when i was 15
If you find legit (Steve) OR Zarphek holy pally lmk
Johnrambo was playing overwatch on pc last i talked to him but its been a few years now.
That’s so funny, what a blast from the past. That youtube video definitely made the rounds in our guild. There was so much forum drama back then and it was fun to watch it unfold. But yea, we definitely all made fun of you for the trinket click hahaha. Can’t believe that was like 14-15 years ago.
Yea, I’ve been trying to track down people and so far I’ve found a good bit of them. Some of them from Anetheron, others from my times in BC and WOTLK.
I definitely remember Johnrambo, though. Wasn’t he that human warlock who was always dueling outside IF challenging people to duel for pink slips? Lmao. What a character he was.
Best of luck in finding your old friends and it was really great to reconnect with someone I never really played with but definitely remember seeing around.
I was A hpally named HealzForSale with many special characters. I was also a rdruid BandaidHeals with special characters. The pally was top geared on server and ranked 42nd in world at time. Looking for people in old guilds (sorry forget names of the guilds) I know one was medio on horde i was in but forget top guild that was on alliance.
I remember the guild name on alliance now was “Whatever” and a couple others I’m still thinking about.
Whisp - Gnome Mage
This character is frozen in time. Never had the heart to level him past 60. I was in the guild Provoked.
Hey Snowhite,
This is Schalana (nelf hunter). I have very fond memories of the Reign meetup at your place during Naxxramas.
I hope you and your roommate are both doing well. Maybe we’ll cross paths during Classic.
Lol yeah, useless outside of being a healer but great fun in vent.
Your name sounds familiar.
Oh snap its Sprock!
Whatup!!! Still around- what are the details? Looking yall up now <3
Thursday, NE Hunter, Reign and Eclipsed.
Saint! Its Tarorel from Amplified, Hit me up on Discord sometime Xeloth#4528
Toxik, here didn’t play here in Vanilla but played here for quite a bit in BC