Anduin's MANHOOD

My issue isn’t about his manhood but rather that they invested thousands of man hours creating a boring cinematic around it.

I want cinematics to be cool and impactful, what that cinematic showed was literally just a random world quest that gives a green reward.

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no greens just resources and garrison supplies

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You know, you could have perhaps given him a real world example.

Male dominated, but not due to women not being able to fight or lead.

This thread exists because of poor writing which stems from lack of world knowledge as I would have tossed out Caterina Sforza as a great example of who the hell to write a female after. Real person, who was so damn good in battle other MALE NOBLES nicknamed her…The Tiger.

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I think the female roles of magic and dexterity based combat fits into a fantasy setting. But brute force is better suited to male roles imo.


Will somebody please think of the children. This kid is so damn BORING. Stop trying to make him a thing ffs.

Why do the leaders just rotate between being completely batshiz (Sylvannas, Garrosh) or boring(Anduin, malfurion)?Wheres depth of character? ITS SO BLAND.

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Again. Placing men over women. Are familiar with Queen Cleopatra or Joan of Arc? Classic examples of a woman who ruled a country with a beautiful tactical and political brilliance, who ruled alone by the way, and a teen peasant girl who led the French army in a momentous victory over an English attempt to conquer France? These are just two examples. Women are every bit as capable of being in those positions as men are.

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It’s not that he’s not a man. A woman leader would be fine, same with a transgender one.

No the problem is that he has 0 integrity and nothing to offer in the way of experience, leadership, power, or abilities.

There is just no reason for him to be here at all other than his last name. And at this point, the name is tarnished.

Or Queen Elizabeth?

Those people were politicians and not warriors. Those are not examples, those are it.

ok maybe somewhere you can find 4 more, maybe

a queen who has had a council of men or a prime minister

Humanizing a strong leader doesn’t make him weak. It gives his choices meaning. He knew that he was fighting a senseless war against Sylvanus, and made the right choices, trusted in the right people, to win out against her even with all the gifts the Jailer gave to her.

Strong leaders can still regret the loss of human life.

Strong leaders can agonize over the acts they performed when they had no control over themselves.

Strong leaders can lose faith in themselves and not want to be put into a position where they can harm their loved ones.

I don’t understand your viewpoint at all. So much has happened to that kid, he deserves to have all the time in the world to recover. Why would you try to paint is as some kind of weakness?


Manhood is slang for pee-pee.

This thread is about Anduin’s MANHOOD.

Idk i dont write the story. We will see. Maybe this expansion could take a turn.

Um, Joan of Arc was a peasant, not a politician and she was well known for fighting right along side the army. Just look through history, there are plenty of examples.

A council of men? How’s that work? We established men are fated to destroy each other. Cooperation amongst men should be impossible, no?

She was NOT fighting in battle. She might of been there but she was not a warrior. Her sword was her speech. Thats it.

  1. That is not a complete list.
  2. That is audiobooks only
  3. That link is to a top list of books that are popular now
  4. lol

Link to an actual wheel of time book directly on the site and there is not even a fantasy label on it.

I LOVE IT when people have to try to hide their lies so hard to keep an argument going. There is NO CHILDRENS, TEENS or ADULTS fantasy section in a book story, only a fantasy section. I am done with you, next time try to get at least something right in your arguments at least…and again, I gave you an actual out with an example of great female writing…lol, pathetic.


idk about fated. I think we have drifted away from the main subject.

You said that men destroy each other and that women are helpless on their own. Your words.

What am I saying that is a lie?

And anything that is kids/teens is automatically put in the kids/teens section. Not the general fantasy section.

I would suggest walking in a book store or library once.

Citing WatchMojo as your only source is. nods