So truth be told while my forum avatar is a night elf (and it was thus in vanilla) I’ve since mostly played Horde beginning with Cataclysm. I do also level an Alliance - mostly to see the game storyline from their perspective.
But it turns out that the story - as read out in the game, is grossly incomplete - especially with respect to The Boy King.
I’ll admit I’ve been pretty harsh on Anduin. Bluntly it’s a lot easier to get excited about the simplistic and shallow black versus white minor characters in the game. Anduin, based on what I see in the game seems too indecisive and frankly - weak. But he’s not!
And I’ll also admit I have not read all the books - even resorting to playing the role of a “simple farmer forced to take up a sword” when doing RP on those realms because I’m actually (as it turns out) rather ignorant (and playing an admitted ignorant character gets me off the hook for my mistakes)
So a couple days ago a RP friend sent me an email to my personal address (rather unusual) with a link to a YouTube streamer fella who did a spot on Anduin Wrynn.
And… well… I liked the video and I now like the complexity of the Anduin character as I understand it much more than I did in the past.
So I thought I’d link it to you all and see if anyone wanted to share a reaction to this:
The TRAGIC Life Of Anduin Wrynn (
BTW I don’t think I’ve ever started a thread on GD so if you think I’m wrong please beat me to death with my keyboard so I get the full experience of being here
But if you agree with me that the game doesn’t do justice to this character’s complete story, what do you think Blizz can do to flesh it all out and help those of us who get most of our lore from the game gather a more complete picture?