Not sure why you say this. The PTSD response was outlined rather obviously.
All you need to understand is that Anduin doesn’t feel worthy of the Light. It’s not doing anything to him. He just lacks conviction, because his beliefs have been shaken.
Not sure why you say this. The PTSD response was outlined rather obviously.
All you need to understand is that Anduin doesn’t feel worthy of the Light. It’s not doing anything to him. He just lacks conviction, because his beliefs have been shaken.
That’s the kind of defense I expect from a five year old. By the way the U.S. gets condemnation from the UK, the bulk of Western Europe, and the democracies of Latin America as well.
The “Light:” doesn’t do anything. Anduin’s problems, like Thrall’s are internal.
In nations with millions of people you can always find a few thousand who believe just about anything.
That being said, all those places condem America have something in common. In each case the number of people there who want to come live here in America is far greater than the people in America who want to go there.
Context matters… the people who want to come here aren’t coming her from places like Norway, England, Canada, or most of the other nations of what we consider the First World.
They’re coming from places like Latin America, Africa, places that we’ve turned into literal hellholes.
Yes there are places that are far far worse than what America is today.
That doesn’t however excuse what America is today.
And this really isn’t the venue for this discussion.
Most places that were colonized and you are calling hellholes, were colonized by European countries, not by the United States.
Now point to any country anywhere which the US has colonized and turned into US territory. And remember, the US itself we got from the English, the French, the Spanish and the Russians.
That hasn’t excluded US involvement though. For instance, the celebrated Henry Kissinger spearheaded an extended operation to subvert and finally override the democratic election of Chilean President Salvador Allende installing the military dictatorship of Pinochet. The very term “banana republic” comes from the United States practise of installing dictatorships to further the interests of American corporations, whether it be banana production or copper. This was after the murder of millions in carpet bombing operatiosn in Laos and Cambodia, two countries we weren’t even at war with. The resulting violence, despotism, and economic consequences are a direct result of American “intervention”.
We also bloodily put down insurrections in the Philipines when the inhabitants discovered that instead of their promised freedom, they were trading one set of colonial overlords for another.
Yes, the US has gotten involved in rather shady politics from time to time but to say it’s only the US, that we invented the practice, that other countries are not doing it today or that we are the worst offender is pure nonsense.
We are just one of out of just under 200 countries that acts in our own best interest.
Do we think Anduin’s PTSD might have gotten worse after Shadowlands, and the reason he looks so haggard now is that his disappearance time was spent hearing people discuss United States politics? Is that what this is about?
Because I could buy into that theory. It seems very, very plausible.
It’s just like the ridiculous claim the US (or white people) invented slavery. Cue laughter from those who made the pre-Atlantic-Slave-Trade Arab Slave trade (including the Ottoman Empire), West African tribes like the Igbo that enslaved their foes long before any foreigners set foot on African soil, the Aztecs (who often sacrificed theirs to their gods), ancient Mongolians, the Ancient Greeks, the Ancient Egyptians, the Mesopotamians…
That was actually pretty funny.
So, what else can be said about Anduin’s new character arc?
What’s ridiculous is that no one worth speaking about makes that claim.
What might be confusing you is the statement of how much of the early American colonial economy was based on slavery and effectively continued to be after the Civil War under a new label called sharecropping and still persists to some degree today.
The answer is enough so that when the southern planters started noticing the rise of an abolition movement in England, they started a Revolution to separate the Colonies from it’s possible spread. Fortunately for them a few missteps by Lord North made it easy to sell the northern colonies which had found slavery economically unviable on joining in.
Arthas’s Soul was also fused with Shalamayne so I am sure he had a few voices/visions in his head at the time. He could be seeing/feeling things done by Ner’Zhul as well as Arthas.
A soup of souls.
Enough people have made that claim that institutions had to refute it. Nothing you said refutes what I said.
Anduin: “It was so horrific … and exhilarating. And it sickens me to think that satisfaction … may have been mine.”
He was never mind-controlled, it was his body that was controlled, he was mentally there the whole time.
He is confused because of the “bad” things he did … and enjoyed.
That is incorrectly inferred. He never says he lost his faith in the Light. He states “I have no Light.”
But if you go back to Shadowlands you find:
Anduin: “I’m afraid if I call on the Light … it won’t answer.”
Anduin lost faith in himself, not in the Light.
Trauma leads to many different reactions and requires many different paths to healing.
Anduin literally had his body commandeered and forced to do acts of despicable horror. All the while conscious of it. Many people who go through trauma do question whether they enjoyed what happened to them or whether they deserved it. Anduin seems to be in then stages of grief. At the moment maybe depression?
Bottom line, his reaction to what happened, especially as an innately gentle person, is warranted, if not his reaction is rather understated.
No. He beat up robots to steal their easily-replacable sigils.
His acts of, “despicable horror,” amounted to assault with a deadly weapon and petty larceny.
He also assaulted realms of death and destroyed souls. No after life, no coming back, oblivion.
That had absolutely nothing to do with my point. Whether capitalism predated slavery or not is moot. Whether capitalism used and still uses slavery as part of it’s toolkit is inarguably yes. It still does so in effective wage slavery in factories contracted for American companies, factories in which the working conditions are so horrible that anti-suicide precautions have to be put in place.
The southern planters were capitalists through and through. They used slavery as cheap labor just as modern corporations use wage slavery in countries that are not subject to U.S. labor laws to cut costs. To argue that slavery and capitalism have and have never had any relationship is willful blindness to the extreme.
The Philippines? Hawaii? How do you not know that? All U.S. territories are also colonies.