Anduin Is Too Hard For Non-CE Raiders

Turn evil is super useful in PF. You can fear the slimes and the shield guys CD lines up with it.

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Anduin on normal was very difficult, but once you get into a groove he isn’t bad at all; CC the adds, careful with stars, stack in barrier, match for blasphemy (we have lights stay still, darks move until theres only a pair or two left. Anduin, normal at least, is easier with smaller groups because of this mech IMO.) Nuke during LK and move as a group during second LK and you’re golden. He is the hardest boss on normal IMO, but normal as a whole feels easy once your group has a rhythm and you start to outgear it.

this week the jailer H was much easier than before. so now Anduin H might be the hardest boss.

No he isn’t. Anduin has had a lot of nerfs that also affected normal mode.

So cc them? Even if dps like shadow priests have to chain cast Shackle Undead. Do it.