Anduin is probably afraid to come out of the closet

Now you’re just changing things to suit your argument. This is completely different to being just masculine/feminine.

I’m sorry, I thought it was implied when I said feminine I was meaning obviously feminine, not “dude wearing panties under his jeans but otherwise a dudes dude”. kind of thing.

So on a spectrum apparently so broad and vast I’m suppose to understand what you’re assuming? Nah, you’re 100% trolling.

King Joffrey was 14 when he got with Sansa in GoT and was busy being the maniac he was in those books.

and he’s such a great example

Getting married probably wouldn’t be high on his priority list with all the wars, the loss of his father (again), and his general feeling of inadequacy.

He’s an angel, what do you mean?

Look I said i was sorry.
I’d give you a hug but well, you’re a human and honestly you guys smell bad.


Mom is that you?