Would be nice if Blizzard opened up the mog options. Not like the cloth classes don’t have blatant plate-like armor mogs or that plate classes don’t have cloth-like armor.
I’m wearing the Boneshatter armor from SL on my Drachtyr and it easily passes as plate armor.
The old excuses never really worked in my opinion, nobodies going to mistake a mage wearing a plate mog, flinging spells for a warrior or a paladin.
Ok, look, now I wouldn’t say nobody!!! I mean, I’m sure there are people who could make such an honest mistake!! Smart, adorable people who are quite charming and funny, but maybe not so very good at keeping updated with the game and might be inclined to think a plate-wearer flinging fire might just be a holy paladin doing some new kinda thing that maybe holy paladins can do now!!
And this type of person, whom I am sure exists but certainly don’t know anyone who might fit this description, only realized too late that it was all due to a toy that made them look like a paladin and it was actually a mage!!!
But that time I, I mean they thought they were fighting Sylvanas in a BG? Total noob moment for that totally other person!!!
Hugs And this is why this particular person is loved and adored.
That other person was totally understandably unaware of the changes. It happens. Sounds like the sort that takes long breaks… bound to be a few learning moments for that type…
Regardless they are loved and supported.
It’s important to keep in mind that somewhere out there, Me’dan exists who was just about every class in the game at the time all at once.
He’s out there somewhere, right now, adding monk, death knight, demon hunter, and evoker to the list. Just notches on the belt at this point. You want to be a tinker? A bard perhaps? Guess what, he’s that too.
The way you worded this reminds me of a campfire story.
“Somewhere, deep in the woods of Ashenvale, lurks… Me’dan!! He is the son of a daughter of an orc and a draenie, and the one-time avatar of Sargeras. He is a mage and a shaman and a paladin. He may even be a priest and a warlock and a druid too. He is the Guardian of Tirisfal, but also not at all. He holds his father’s mighty staff Atiesh, except not at all. Me’dan is all things, yet Me’dan is no things. Maybe… Me’dan is you.”
If they want to be prudent, they can just keep weapon transmog limits.
Me’dan is never coming back or talked about. He isn’t canon but blizz doesn’t just want to come out and say it. Everything he “did” in the comics have been retconed to other people doing them.
Thank the 'verse, he was a terrible character.
I know NPCs are beyond the limits of class mechanics… but…
During the battle for Lordaeron, it does kind of look like Anduin used Divine Steed to call a horse out of no where and trample a tank.
The Human and Blood Elf Heritage Armors are an option now for those Battle Clothies.
It’s a shame how they forget Discipline Priests are a thing. With all this Light and Void buisness you’d think the people who balance entropy and creation might be worth getting an opinion from.
I was under the impression that Anduin being a paladin was a well known fact since Legion, where if you’re traveling with Anduin for his Broken Shore quest other players see him as “Stormwind Paladin”.
They managed to forget about Shaman during the whole of Dragon Flight… the expansion all about elemental balance… and the class that’s all about keeping that balance was fully ignored.
I’m sure there’s other examples.
The generic NPCs don’t always exactly match the named NPC they’re a placeholder for. For example, Nathanos had one in BfA that used an elven model.
Ignoring the Forsaken and most of the Ebon Blade for all of Shadowlands?
Yeah that isnt going to happen. Especially considering Drek’thar break the shaman rule of not being able to use swords in not one but two universes.
Zero Orcs for Kil’Jaeden’s comeuppance stung.
Odyn not remembering who I am for Vyranoth’s wet fart slay queen! scene in Great Value Valhalla.
Your sarcasm detector is broken again!!
Wait one moment, it worked at one point?!
Well… No, but I have faith and can work one day!!