Anduin is a Paladin

I know officially and among lore fans, he’s supposed to just be a Priest/warrior hybrid that wears plate and uses holy magic. But let’s be real, that makes him a Paladin. All Paladins are from their inception are Priests of the holy light that wear plate and use holy magic.

Anduin is a Paladin. I know it, you know it. Blizzard should stop pretending and just start calling him what he very clearly is.


There was a time I think you could have pushed back against that based on knightly orders, but they have irreversibly opened the door to Plate + Light = Paladin imo.


Those “knightly orders” were just founded literally by taking priests and having them learn how to wear plate and swing a sword, or taking warriors and teaching them how to use light magic. That is canonically how the KotSH started. Anduin is a Paladin. There’s no arguing it.


Yeah, human paladins are literally priest+warrior. That’s how they were founded in lore.

Blizzard just doesn’t want to make it official.


Priest players whined and they listened. Despite the Alliance already having two priest racial leaders arguably three. Nonsense.

I mean if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…


From the looks of him, Anduin is an office worker whose boss told him it’s crunch time, and he has to pull a few all-nighters and nap under his desk. He looks like someone ate his sandwich, and that someone is his supervisor who even ate it in front of him.

In other words, he looks exactly like what it felt to heal on my priest.

Therefore he may be a priest, or he may be a paladin, but he is absolutely holy spec in LFR.


People still play LFR? Why?

IDK. I was still doing it in DF to get quests done, but I haven’t this expac.

So as of DF, quests!!

Best part about TWW is definitely making LFR completely obsolete.

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He’s not a paladin as far as his culture is concerned. He’s not a member of the Silver Hand or Argent Crusade, and has never taken any paladin oaths. Paladins in Stormwind and other human cultures as we’ve seen them thus far in Warcraft are not considered to be full paladins until they’ve taken their vows; it’s their training in addition to the values that they’ve sworn to uphold that make them a paladin. Anduin has a strong set of personal values and beliefs, but has not taken vows. Therefore, other human paladins who have taken such oaths are not going to treat him as one of their fellows unless he does.

Also, while he does wield the Light and has become a decent fighter, he generally has not been shown to be good at using both skill sets together same time, at least not when he’s in control of himself. The Jailer was able to utilize both while driving him around as a meat puppet, but when in control of himself Anduin has not shown the same proficiency. He managed to smite a single troll in the BfA cinematic while wildly swinging Shalamayne, and then immediately dropped it in order to focus on casting a priest-exclusive spell. He’s been shown to be a better fighter post-Shadowlands, but we have not seen him wield the Light at all while doing so in that time period. Perhaps he will manage to wield both together in the future now that he’s regained his confidence in using the Light, but so far he’s not shown that he can use both skills together to compliment each other in the way that paladins generally do.

By that logic, the Sentinels of Elune are paladins.

May the Light be with you, hero.

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TIL that the Sentinels of ELUNE apparently worship the holy light instead of ELUNE.
The rest of your post is pedantic nonsense that doesn’t really negate the fact that he’s a Paladin in every practical sense that matters.

Guess Tirion isn’t a Paladin because he was banished from the KotSH by Uther. Lmao.

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Call to arms bags
Chances at transmogs
Mount chance off Ansurek
Bronze celebration tokens from BRD and Ansurek (limited time)

I mean, don’t tell Tyrande that, but effectively yes, they do, considering that 1) Velen’s theory that Elune is related somehow to the Naaru is supported by Legion questing and 2) there are priests and paladins of Elune in-game that use holy abilities. The Sentinels are priests who wear plate, so they fit your definition of a paladin.

I’ll believe that as soon as he shows that he can indeed swing a sword smoothly while wielding the Light at the same time without tripping over himself. Or, you know, if he ever casts any paladin spell ever, rather than regularly casting spells that are very obviously priest spells. Anduin isn’t suddenly not a priest because he finally learned how to hit someone with his stat stick when he’s out of mana.

As far as both he and his former comrades were concerned at the time, correct, he wasn’t. By the time of Vanilla, most of his former comrades were dead, and those that weren’t were either Scarlet Crusaders who still viewed him as a traitor, or members of the Argent Dawn who had drastically changed their views on the matter of working with orcs and therefore no longer cared about the original reason he was banished. Notably, as soon as he took a major role in the narrative in Wrath he established the Argent Crusade, and only ever wore their tabard afterward.

My point is that as far as any paladin of Stormwind is concerned, Anduin is not of their number, and he does not consider himself to be a paladin either. The more martial direction he’s taken recently is clearly patterned off his father’s own warrior abilities (including Heroic Leap) rather than any paladin he’s ever interacted with, and is a fighting style we’ve only seen him embrace in the absence of being able to channel the Light.

Now, it’s entirely possible that Anduin will meld his newly-regained faith and confidence in the Light with his improved martial skills and be inspired to go in a more distinctly paladin direction in the near future, especially given his friendship with Faerin, but he’s not there yet.

NPCs don’t have to fit into class archetypes.

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Imagine playing something other than a DPS chad. Couldn’t be me.



I’ve had all the rewards for over a month now just doing weekly stuff on Khaz Algar.

Anduin fits perfectly into the Paladin archtype.

You can convert them to timewarped badges.


Yeah, I know. Not enough to get me to play LFR.

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It is 15 from Ansurek alone and both her and court are free wins.

Honestly this whole raid has been fine for LFR.

Priest/warrior hybrids exists in the lore alongside paladins within the ranks of the Church of the Holy Light, they are the warrior-clerics of Northshire. They are noted to not be paladins.

With the exception of Turalyon almost all known paladins, especially those of the OG Silver Hand, began their lives as knights, not priests. A paladin undergoes much more rigorous training and initiation rites that empower them on a nearly divine level that they are far beyond mere priests.

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