Anduin "can't" beat Sylvanas? Really?

It’s pretty obvious he said that to get Saurfang on board. Making him believe that he needs Saurfang desperately or else Sylvanas, the one destroying his very horde, will win, makes for a much more compelling argument than “help pls”.

Anduin is known to be a wise diplomat, and we see that in action here.
11/04/2018 06:51 PMPosted by Desanvos
The idealism cost as much as it brought, and knowing now that there was an uncorrupted Black Dragon who could have taken up the Earth Warder mantle, we didn't need Thrall.

There was never any guarantee Wrathion could have become Earthwarden, or more precisely that he could become earthwarden in time.

As for your other hypothetical scenarios again, I would point out that thanks to a long string of events we ultimately got to go to Argus in time to stop Sargeras dark parthenon from rising.
11/03/2018 11:10 PMPosted by Vespero
11/03/2018 07:06 AMPosted by Droité
Yes, the Alliance could likely defeat the Horde should it commit to a war of annihilation against them (that is true, sorry fellow Hordies ... it would be bloody and long, but I don't doubt the Alliance would win should they commit to such a goal).
I disagree. The only time the Alliance has a clear advantage over the Horde is when half of the Horde itself is actively helping them against the other half(Wrathgate, Siege of Orgrimmar, etc.). The rest of the time, both sides are evenly matched. Neither side could wipe out the other even if it wanted to.
11/03/2018 07:07 AMPosted by Mannec
If it was written well and made sense, but this is just … just … I don't know what to make heads or tails of it. … Alliance can't win because of a single person? Even though they have all these super weapons.
The Horde has just as many dumb superweapons.

Also, the reason the Alliance beat the Horde in the Second War was that MU Gul'dan had draw away a lot of it's strength for his Artifact hunt in the Broken Isles.