Andorhal Horde Reconnections

Anyone remember Hedony the UD priest?

Wondering what you’re up to.

I’m playing as Love on Stalagg-US rn. Send me a mail if you ever see this!

IGN = Alanni, BE Priest

Was in guild, Rest in Peaces. Looking for any guildies or friends who used to play on Andorhal. GL was Blueyerish.

Looking forward to reconnect with old friends.

Alright, color me slow cause I don’t use this site a lot, but Assaultage! I recognize that name as well! Woo~ Same here man! How’ve you been?

Playing Classic at all? Haha

Hi classic guildmate Jurisnoctis!

Hi Tranquility friends Utility and Clivent! Why didn’t I ever see this thread when I was thinking about coming back for classic.

Netherwind here, old human mage in Apocalypse guild, was looking for any old players such as people from immortals, Smallz, Nolimit, Centerfold, Oblivinati, I’m sure there’s more, would like to play with some of the older players :slight_smile:

LF Imbest, best hunter ever. He could beat anyone in a duel and take all of their gold. I have a white fist weapon with crusader on it, that I forgot to return.

Any former <Rotting Bear Carcass> weirdos out there?
Find me/us on Fairbanks TBC (usually playing Nards)

Hey Everyone,
Angelearth,BE Hunter on Andorhal Realm
I can’t remember the guild name. That was a long time ago lol
If you know me or knew me then you will know that ALL of my toons have ANGEL in their names lol
We all had some much fun back then playing together like a big family. I look forward to reconnecting with yall
Love Always ,

Arcmagee here loooking for pals from Vanilla/TBC/WOTLK/CATA, in vanilla/tbc/wotlk i played a mage named Arcmagee, ex glad trying to relink with partners :smiley: in cata i played a tauren druid nammed cattlelac or goblin mage named teewrekzjr.

Hey were you called The Mighty JIm?? If so I know you dude, I was the hunter was troll then Blood elf.

I was in Seraphim for years! I’m sure you remember Fraser, the tank. I was playing under my rogue, Silentops. Would love to reconnect