Hey man, long time no see. Everyone is getting back classic it seems. What server is the Nox Necis meet up happening on?
Juri! Definitely recognize the name. Hope all it well!
Odinthegreat was my name mostly, played a tauren warrior, arms then protection.
Ended up in One night in Org and raid led towards the end of BC. Me and a couple of the boys getting the band back together
real id peterjg#1424
I played with ONIO as MT and raid leader during sunwell.
Former raid leader for ONIO here when you played then. I was main tank. I think i was named Odinthegreat at the time
I do not know. Jason has not responded back. I made 3 characters on Faerlina, Herod and Thalnos but those now show full. I have no idea where people will end up
Hey man, Goramos and some other Nox peeps are rolling on Stalagg as horde. Let me know if you want to join up. We already have a solid group of about 20 people including some from Skorn too.
Utility here, feral Druid, guilds were Minions of the Horde, Brutal Knights, Tranquility, and some time in Simple Math and lots of fun with ATP. Rolling Orc warrior grobbulus horde, name Violent. Utility#1449
Ghast here. Formally of Tranquility and NPFS. Will be horde side with friends on Stalagg playing an Orc Prot Warrior eventually named Mickeyrorc. Ghast#11122
Any Brutal Knights around???
5 alliance Andorhal guilds and frenemies from Horde are all rolling there after Whitemane imploded yesterday
Hey man, its Citrus from Novus/Severed/Simple Math, just dropped you a friend request.
Anyone else who wants to add me, Citrus#1246 rogue from Twisting Nether/Andorhal.
i don’t know, it’s pretty fragmented - a bunch of people rolled on herod but not in any formal capacity.
Yeah blizz messed this one up we ended up going kromkrush.
btw sm is alliance on sulfuras. you know, for the lols.
HWL ShadowPriest Female Troll. PVP 24/7. Ganking, BG farm.
I ran with Centerfold (MAGE)
My character name was Jadyn/SIzzle/Gza (Changed a few times).
Also had Undead Warrrior Skullomania
Looking for my pvp squad.
Rinh - Undead Priest… A bit of a reach as I’m not sure the timing lines up with “classic” but looking for people I used to pvp with on Andorhal: Asha, Nooga, Adderall and many more - any of you guys still playing?
Mosag is a close family friend! I can reach out to him and tell him you’re lookin’ around for him but he’s settled down with kids now and doesn’t play anymore I don’t think. He still has a PC and games though!
Hi folks
I didn’t play too much in classic but I did make my first character on Andorhal. I don’t remember much unfortunately but I was in a guild with a friend from school and the raid leader went by wobble bobble (I think?)
Would love to reconnect! Seems like a lot of folks are on Herod?