Used to raid with IOD and others.
Kaidelin reporting in. Played a holy pali during late vanilla up to WOTLK. I was in Vow of Silence, we ran some karazhan raids before that guild transferred and did some raids with Zenkai.
Started on Herod, went to Kromcrush. Brand new server and can’t log in. I think that server is dead now too. The humanity.
Starting to regret Herod right about now. Incendius is the new ET pvp realm but I guess it’s just as packed. Wish the Herod queue had a concession stand.
I played a human mage named, “Arcanesmash.” This was so long ago lol, but I think I was in Simple Math, Mutiny (maybe this was only on TBC), The Knights who say WEE. I wish that I could remember names, but golly I was like 15-16 at the time lulzrandom.
What server are you on? I was in Mutiny, and I remember all those names. I’ll be rolling a NE hunter at first.
All Andorhalians come to Biggelsworth !!!
did you end up on a different server since you can not log into Herod in under 3 hours?
Holy crapes I was in BO. Soultrain i think was my toon at the time, priest. God its been a long time.
Played with some guys in the guild The Spartans. Cuzak, Magikal… can’t remember what happened after that. Guild broke up and split into two different guilds. Anybody around would be awesome.
Ended up going Kromcrush, any other Andorholians there?
A few folks I used to raid with Cata/MOP, plus a few people from SM, moved to Benediction. They all rolled horde though…but it’d give you a target.
But yeah, it’s looking like Herod isn’t gonna work. I was in a 6-hour queue on day 1, and a 7-hour queue on day 2.
Hey Andorhal of old! I played a Hunter (Ariely) with -Valiant- through TBC, looking to reconnect with old friends I’m playing on Blamalamalaux hit me up!!!
What was your name in “The Spartans”? I remember Magical, Veril, Verils - husband, Phonecheck, and Sweetboy. I haven’t decided on a realm because the Qs are too long but I’m messing around on Bigglesworth.
OH SNAP!!! I was Magikals buddy from work. I really cant remember who i was at the time… possibly Soultrain, priest, or a dwark warrior OptmusPrime, or possibly a lock ryanfromOC, we played with my buddy as well, StevenFromLB a mage.
OH SNAP!!!, I remember Soultrain and OptmusPrime. I’m playing priest “Porcini”. What happened to Magikal? You still know him?
Hell yes. Dude no idea. I havent talked to him in years, I think i am friernds with him on FB not sure. I’m on Rattlegore, not sure where I will land
Damn Salbuns, when did you end up in Proudmoore? Thats where I went when I left Andorhal. Im horde side though
I’ve been trying to find Anath!
Hey ya’ll, played on Andorhal alliance for many years from BC to the end of Wrath. My character was a paladin named Everest. If anyone here remembers me let me know!