-Has a cast time to activate so you can get kicked
-cannot instant root in this form to get melee off you
-slowed and cannot run
-very short duration, less than half the base duration of tree of life
-cannot reenter the form after switching into bear or feral form, just puts in on CD.
Seems pretty terrible - have yet to try it on the PTR but considering they are also removing Preserve Nature pvp talent for resto its gonna be a sad 11.1 for bad healer druids.
I crutch on the Tranq bubble so hard to stay alive…so yeah
I didn’t test myself but it looked pretty bad. Last PTR build made so that you could access other spells while in ToL form, which I presume is to get instant Wraths again? Good, but not nearly enough.
But yeah, on the actual healing front, good numbers or not, the cast time to shapeshift is just a deal breaker. The tree is already slow, to me it’s either one or the other ‘handicap’, because as it is you can’t use AoL in a reactive way now, unlike you could with the ToL.
This was what made up for the loss of Preserve Nature? (Since the tree can’t get CC’d) . The bubble wasn’t that useful if you know what you’re doing, BUT I loved it to use proactively when I knew that pesky Paladin was charging towards me to use the Stun + incapacitate back to back.