Ancient of Lore is really bad

The healing is powerful and being immune to all CC is really good, but it’s castable, which at best means a dead global in the most crucial part of the game and at worst means getting kicked and losing. Plus it’s short so you might just end up losing after it falls off and the enemy DPS still has their CDs up.
The one thing I thought would save it is the proc, you could get some good consistent healing out of it, but it procs at 8 swiftmends not 4. With all of this I really can’t think of a situation where I would use it.

Think it needs the cast time removed to be closer to actual Incarn or forms in general.

On ptr for a bit you got the full 15 seconds for the 8 stacks and it almost made sense since its a decently powerful form and combined with treants CDR it got some pretty high uptime but on live im just missing the tranq immunity.

As is it looks and feels like what the keeper capstone should have been more then a well thoguht out pvp talent.

yea the cast really has to go, the only way you can realiably use it is behind the pillar, than because it moves at RP walking speed you have to shift back into travel to get to your team, you basically cast tree->travel form-> leap → tree form->heal.