Ancestral Teachings in Raid Environment

I have looked for this information everywhere so, now, i’m asking. Does anyone know how Ancestral Teachings choses it’s targets in a raid environment? Does it always target the 5 lower HPs? Does it always targets you + 4 lower HPs? Is it by proximity? Is it random?

Thank you in advance.

5 targets unless it’s changed since DF. Our supporting talent Crane Style also enables gust procs with a lower target cap (rising sun kick 2 targets, black out kick 1 target)

Do you know how the game choses which of the 5 targets of the raid it’s gonna heal? Proximity, lowest % HP?

The healing from teachings or fist weaving in general has a range limit. Assuming all the possible targets are in range it will select the lowest health ones. Teachings specifically, the gusts are rng.