Anathema Update is a Joke

Title says it all, our iconic weapon is worse than the azuregos dagger + the Off-hand from ST. Staff should at the minimum have 2% crit, honestly I think it could have gotten a cooler glow up as one of there “creative ways” of keeping the gap close for us and other casters. But instead we get something barely as good. Just really disappointing.


True! it should be BiS.

Couldn’t agree more - I was excited for P4 to get my hands on Anathema… until yesterday.

Ok Ok I got the facts that we are utility now swiss army knife blah blah… I think we will let numbers talk later on when we are further in the phase 4… how completely bad we scale but thats just a thing for another thread or time…

Back to the topic… I expected way more for this kind of staff/iconic weapons for classes… This should be more viable for us in long process , current updates are complete joke and troll in same time, you repeat same mistakes all over again from P2 to P3… updating items from original version with 6 spell power that’s not even a plus as of what we have now as options available and what’s the point to spent time on this “iconic weapon” ?

Ohh ye lets get it for view and pvp as we get stamina and intellect… again pve aspect get the L.

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Someone argued to me that it has a bunch of raw stats, yeah because we get so much from raw stats XD. You could take all the stamin and intelligence off it if you just gave it a lot more spell power and maybe 2-3% crit

Honestly I see no real reason to get Anathema unless we just get really unlucky with Azuregos dagger.

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shadow shafted again

We have attempted to coalesce constructive feedback about these issues here: Priest Rune Restructure; Updated (6/26/24)

Give it a read, see if you like it, add what you wish.

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